Latest News from NHFC

Urgent Call-to-Action: Oppose HB1050!

February 20, 2024

HB1050-FN, which claims to wish to establish a voluntary waiver of the right to purchase firearms, is up for a floor vote this Thursday and needs your immediate attention. This bill poses a significant threat to our rights and freedoms, introducing measures that could potentially impact gun ownership and individual liberties broadly. HB1050 is a restriction on […]

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Gun Day at the NH State House! 2/2/2024

February 1, 2024

At the beginning of the week, I mentioned that there were several gun related bills that would be heard this week. The last five of those bills are having hearings today, Friday 2/2/2024. This past Wednesday there was a hearing on HB 1037, a bill to remove the limited liability protections for the manufacturers, distributors, […]

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Help Make Sure Fish and Game Is Fair

January 29, 2024

In case you did not open the other email, I sent out another alert just an hour ago on a different bill.  Please read both alerts. Below is an alert that several of our members helped put together on a bill before Fish and Game.  If you would like to help NHFC out on alerts, please use our […]

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Anti-Gun Meuse Is at It Again. This Time, He Wants To Put Violent Patients on the Streets…

January 29, 2024

There are a number of both pro-gun bills and anti-gun bills with hearings this week.  These hearings start as soon as tomorrow and end with a number of bills having a hearing on Friday, see image at the end of this alert.  As these alerts are sent out, please take the time to read each one.  […]

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Altschiller Anti-Gun Red Flag Bill Is Backkkkk!!! Here Is What You Can Do To Stop It.

January 22, 2024

There is a lot going on today, especially for those of us in the ‘First In The Nation’ primary.  This year with so much going on in the NH State House, we have needed to focus our efforts on bills and have not completed a score card for the presidential primary.  Unfortunately, when looking at […]

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Follow Up on Anti-Gun Bills From 1/9/2024 and a Way To Get Your Firearms Back

January 15, 2024

Last week, I alerted you about two anti-gun bills that the Senate was going to hold a hearing on (SB 577 and SB 571-FN).  The Senate Judiciary committee has not made a recommendation on those two bills, so there is still time to ask them to recommend that these two bills be killed.  Here is […]

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Legislative Season Is Starting and There Are a Number of Anti-Gun Bills

January 8, 2024

This is the beginning of a new Legislative season and there are a number of anti-gun bills that we are tracking. We will alert you as best possible.  Sometimes we only get notice on a Friday for a hearing that is the following Monday or Tuesday.  This is the case this week. There are 4 […]

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Senate Is Attempting To Kill a Good Bill Regarding Simple Possession of Self Defense Tools

May 2, 2023

Call or e-mail your Senator- TODAY – and urge them to vote to enact House Bill 31. HB31 repeals RSA 159:16, which criminalizes possessing or carrying a blackjack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles.  The Senate will vote on this bill on Thursday 5/4 and they currently plan to kill this legislation.  Your efforts could help pass this […]

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Legislature To Vote on Mandatory Waiting Periods

March 15, 2023

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is currently tracking HB 76, a bill to impose a 3-day waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm from any licensed manufacturer or dealer to a law abiding citizen like yourself.  Currently, the Granite State has no waiting period when you purchase a firearm. Indeed, such waiting periods treat you […]

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Tell Your Representative to Stop Warrantless Searches by Fish & Game Officers

March 4, 2023

We need you to email and call your State Reps to help us restore our rights.  Draft email at the bottom of this letter and an email address to send it to.  Feel free to edit the email or the subject line.  If they respond back, please share their response.  We like to recognize those who support our natural and constitutional rights.

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