Latest News from NHFC

Sell a gun to a friend, go to jail….

January 20, 2014

I know that NHFC President Jon Evans and I have been asking a lot of you lately.  However, you the grass roots gun owners are our strength.  To be honest, whenever the legislature is in session, our Second Amendment rights are at risk.  We must be vigilant. While we have been warning you about SB […]

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Gun ban group pushing hard to pass SB 244 ACTION NEEDED!

January 19, 2014

We have been warning you about SB 244.  We have sent several alerts explaining how and why SB 244 will cause tens of thousands of Granite Staters to lose their Second Amendment rights. Some anti-gun groups are masquerading as pro-gun groups, and saying that this bill puts in place a much-needed relief mechanism.  But the […]

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Senate committee holds farce of public hearing…

January 16, 2014

NHFC President Jon Evans has been warning you about the dangerous anti-gun bill, SB 244.  There was a farce of a public hearing On Tuesday, January 14 at the State House and anti-gun activists were out in force to push this bill.  They were even joined by an attorney who claimed to represent firearms manufacturers.  […]

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Anti gun leadership is working to pass a new gun ban – SB 244 – IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED!

January 12, 2014

After I sent you my last alert on SB 244, a bill which will strip the Second Amendment rights away from thousands of Granite Staters, I learned that anti-gun activists are working overtime to lie about what the bill does and persuade the Senate Judiciary Committee to pass the bill. One anti gun organization is […]

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See a shrink — lose your guns — Action needed ASAP!!!

January 10, 2014

I recently warned you that ex-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg would try to ban guns in New Hampshire.  Well, I was right and it is starting on Tuesday, January 14, at 9AM in the Senate Judiciary Committee. The anti-gun bill they have selected is Senate Bill 244, sponsored by anti-gun state Senator Watters.  The gun […]

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Parking and Ammo Giveaway

December 18, 2013

I hope you will be able to join me tomorrow night to protest the gun banning carpetbagger, former Senator Scott Brown.  All attendees should know that this is a peaceful protest and unruly and or criminal behavior will not be tolerated. It is our understanding that the following locations will have available parking: The lots […]

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December 18, 2013


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AR-15 to be raffled at Scott Brown Protest

December 15, 2013

Last week I told you about a protest in Nashua against the anti gun former Senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown and the New Hampshire Republican State Committee. I know that you might be wondering if you should attend and if it will make a difference.  You should and it will.  First, we need as many […]

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NHFC Action Alert! Join us in Nashua December 19!

December 12, 2013

If you want to prevent a gun banning Massachusetts carpetbagger from getting elected to the U.S. Senate next year, than you MUST join NHFC in Nashua on December 19th.  More on that below, but first, let me tell you why it’s so critical that you make your voice heard. We are about to enter a […]

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URGENT – Hassan Administration to curtail carry!!

June 8, 2013

After gun control was defeated in the Legislature, in an over step of their authority, the administration of Gov. Maggie Hassan and the Department of Safety is rewriting rules for issuing non resident pistol / revolver licenses.  These anti gun rules will affect residents as well. This concerns all New Hampshire residents because if these […]

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