Latest News from NHFC

Senator Carson pushing SB 244 ACTION NEEDED

March 1, 2014

Earlier this week Jon warned you that Senator Sharon Carson was working behind the scenes to pass SB 244 (see a shrink lose your guns) by making it less anti-gun. Jon told you that Senator Carson’s efforts will likely be aided by anti-gun House members if SB 244 passes the Senate. NHFC members have told […]

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Butler’s revenge and gun control in the Senate…

February 23, 2014

After we killed HB 1589 (sell a gun to a friend go to jail), we warned you that the anti-gun left in the New Hampshire House would not stop!  We told you that they would use any means available to pass gun control and the Bloomberg agenda.   Well, it didn’t take very long… NHFC Board […]

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WE WON!!! HB 1589 is DEAD!

February 12, 2014

We did it!!!   I am happy to report, that earlier today, after several votes in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, HB 1589 (as amended) was voted “inexpedient to legislate” (ITL) by a division vote of 242-118. There were some nail biting moments when the committee amendment to make “sell a gun to a friend […]

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NHFC President Evans’ letter to State Representatives…

February 11, 2014

NHFC President Jonathan Evans sent the following letter to every New Hampshire State Representative urging them to strongly oppose HB 1589, “sell a gun to a friend go to jail”. ================================================================================== Dear Representative, The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is an organization representing tens of thousands of law abiding New Hampshire firearms owners, manufacturers and dealers.  […]

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Emails starting to work, calls needed to stop HB 1589

February 7, 2014

NHFC Members, friends and supporters have done a terrific job calling and emailing State Reps. to voice our opposition to HB 1589.  You, the grassroots gun owners are our strength.  I want to thank you for responding to Jon’s call for action and also give you a few updates. First, many of you have sent […]

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Bloomberg moving NH closer to gun owner registration…

February 5, 2014

Freedom and liberty took a step back yesterday when the New Hamsphire House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee voted 10-8 on a straight party line vote “Ought to Pass” (OTP) on HB 1589.  “Sell a gun to a friend go to jail.” Now, some will say the bill was amended and it is no longer […]

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Calls needed to stop “Sell a gun go to jail bill”…

February 2, 2014

This past Thursday, the House Commerce Committee Chairman, Rep. Ed Butler, held yet another so called “executive session” on HB1589.  The hearing was overwhelmingly attended by responsible citizens in the state, citizens like you and me; yet the Chairman and some committee members still choose to ignore the input of the people. The session was […]

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UPDATE on HB 1589

January 29, 2014

NHFC Vice President Scott Krauss and I have been warning you about HB 1589, “sell a gun to a friend go to jail”.  I want to take a few minutes to give you an update on the bill and to let you know how we are working hard to defeat it. Yesterday, we expected the […]

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Action needed! Rep. Butler pushing anti gun amendment…

January 25, 2014

We have been warning you about HB 1589 which, if enacted, will put you in prison for selling a gun to one of your friends. Our statehouse sources have told me that the sub committee which we told you about in our last alert is planning to offer a substitute bill that would call for […]

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Update on sell a gun go to jail bill…

January 24, 2014

Earlier this week we told you about New Hampshire HB 1589.  A bill that will put you in prison for up to 7 years if you sell or loan a gun to a friend, shooting partner or hunting buddy. The bill had a public hearing on Tuesday, January 21, 2014 and opponents outnumbered supporters by […]

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