Latest News from NHFC

JUST IN — The racist roots of NH gun laws!!!!!!

June 2, 2015

You may have heard of the Womens Defense League of New Hampshire.  They do some terrific work advocating for womens rights, specifically the right to armed self defense. What you may not know is that they have also done some significant research on the racist origins of New Hampshire R.S.A. 159:6, New Hampshire’s concealed carry […]

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Please call Governor Hassan, RE: SB 116

May 23, 2015

Several NHFC Members have told me that their emails may not be reaching Governor Hassan.  We have also learned that there are some problems with the contact form on the Governors website. It is very important that Governor Hassan hear from you, the grassroots gun owner.  She needs to know you want her to sign […]

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Action still needed to pass Constitutional Carry….

May 19, 2015

Calls, emails, faxes and letters are still needed to persuade Governor Hassan to sign SB 116, Constitutional Carry into law. News of licensing violations continues to flood our organization. For instance, we’ve learned that the Hopkinton Police Department has created their own personal variation of our state CCL application. This is a clear violation of […]

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Constitutional carry advances to full House, action needed….

April 14, 2015

I am happy to report that last week, the New Hampshire House, Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, voted SB 116, Constitutional Carry, “ought to pass”.  This is a very important step in making Constitutional Carry the law in New Hampshire.  However, there is still more work to do. SB 116 will now be considered […]

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Trouble in Concord, more action needed…

April 7, 2015

First the good news, your calls and emails worked, SB 124, the bill that would have abolished District Court Probable Cause Hearings was REMOVED from the budget bill, HB 2 on Wednesday.  However, the House Judiciary Committee will hold public hearings on SB 124 so we still need to work to stop this bad bill […]

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Nationwide carry on the move… action needed…

March 25, 2015

You may have heard talk about a bill or bills in the United States Congress that would allow you to carry a concealed handgun in any state with your New Hampshire Resident Pistol/Revolver license.  This idea has been around for some time and it is supported by both the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition and our […]

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Constitutional Carry in the NH House, Action needed…

March 18, 2015

Earlier this year we told you about SB 116, Constitutional Carry.  As you may know, this important legislation passed the New Hampshire Senate on February 12.  It is now being considered by the House of Representatives. There is a public hearing scheduled for 10 AM on Tuesday, March 24 in Rooms 206 and 208 in […]

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Sell a gun to a friend, go to jail! Action needed…

February 12, 2015

When the General Court is in session, eternal vigilance is needed or rights will be lost. The gun ban crowd is pushing HB 650, a bill that will put you in jail for up to a year for selling a gun to a friend or neighbor.  That’s right, under the provision of HB 650 you […]

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Calls, emails, still needed to pass Constitutional Carry…

February 7, 2015

Did you see Jon’s email on Wednesday?  I have attached a copy in case you missed it.  We are counting on you, the grassroots gun owner to help us to pass SB 116, Constitutional Carry.  This legislation is sorely needed and will stop licensing abuses by state and local authorities. If someone can lawfully own […]

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Action still needed to pass SB 116

February 2, 2015

As you may have read in the news the Senate Judiciary Hearing on SB 116, Constitutional Carry, was well attended by supporters of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. I want to thank all of the NHFC Members and Friends who attended Thursday’s hearing.  Your presence was felt and it will make a difference.  […]

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