Latest News from NHFC

Pro Gun legislation needs your support….

April 14, 2016

As Scott told you a few weeks ago, even though there was some opposition, SB 336 passed the Senate and is now being considered by the New Hampshire House. SB 336 is an important bill, it will make clear what we have known all along; those who are legally allowed to posses firearms, automatically qualify […]

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Important Legislative Update

April 1, 2016

Alan and I have been telling you for over a year that judges have made new law.  This judge made law has created a situation where people who may lawfully purchase and possess firearms, can be and are being denied pistol/revolver licenses.  Chiefs are intentionlly abusing the “suitable person” language and are denying some applicants […]

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Important bills being heard on Monday…

March 13, 2016

Tomorrow, March 14, the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on 2 very important bills that have already passed the House of Representatives and 1 Senate Bill that has been introduced.  Please read this alert and take the action requested at the bottom. 1) HB 582, this is the House version of Constitutional […]

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Calls needed, a new threat to your rights…

February 9, 2016

Sometimes, protecting our Second Amendment rights involves analyzing and then opposing bills that at first glance are not firearms bills.  This is the case with HB 1696, so called “Medicaid Expansion”, if enacted HB 1696 will put your civil right to be armed at risk.  Mike Hammond, who is a resident of Dunbarton and Legislative  […]

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Rifles in cars, follow up report…

January 30, 2016

I attended the the House Transportation Committee hearing on HB 1132, rifles in cars on Tuesday, January 26 in the House Transportation Committee.  I want to give you a report on what happened. I testified for NHFC and Gun Owners of America at the public hearing.  I patiently explained to the Committee that this is […]

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It’s time to reclaim lost rights…

January 26, 2016

The time is NOW to end New Hampshire’s ban on the carrying of loaded rifles or shotguns in vehicles and boats. Rep. Mark Proulx has introduced HB 1132 which will have a public hearing before the New Hampshire House Transportation Committee on Tuesday, January 26, at 10:20 AM in Room 203 of the Legislative Office […]

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The Rogers Statewide Gun Ban….

January 19, 2016

I know we have recently been sending you a lot of email.  But each email includes a separate important message about our firearms civil rights in New Hampshire. 2016 seems to be the year in which the gun ban elites are attempting to enact significant infringements on your right to keep and bear arms.   One […]

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Chris Christie: Just another lying politician!

January 18, 2016

If you watched the Republican Presidential debate on January 14, 2016 you may have been as shocked as I was to hear anti-gun New Jersey Governor Chris Christie claim he made it easier to obtain a carry permit in New Jersey.  Christie lied. It is virtually impossible for law abiding citizens to carry a firearm […]

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January 15, 2016

As Scott told you a little over a week ago, Rep. Katherine Rogers has introduced HB 1416, the Gun Tax of 2016.   This bill will have a public hearing on Tuesday, January 19 at 10AM in the House Executive Departments and Administration Committee. HB 1416, gives the Department of Safety the authority to charge “a […]

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Trump on the 2nd Amendment

January 8, 2016

Many of our members and friends have asked us to report on Presidential Candidate Donald Trump.  We had to work very hard to find credible information on Mr. Trump’s positions on important Second Amendment issues. The first place I looked was in Mr. Trump’s book: “Crippled America How to Make America Great Again” wherein he […]

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