Latest News from NHFC

The time is now to reclaim our rights…

January 15, 2017

The time is NOW to end New Hampshire’s ban on the carrying of loaded rifles or shotguns in vehicles and boats. Rep. Mark Proulx, (R-Hillsborough – 44) has introduced HB 84 which will have a public hearing before the New Hampshire House Fish and Game and Marine Resources Committee on Tuesday, January 17, at 1:30 […]

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Constitutional Carry Legislative Update…

January 15, 2017

The calendar has turned to 2017 and the New Hampshire General Court is back in session.  NHFC is working very hard to pass Constitutional Carry this year.  I want to give you a quick legislative update so you know what the Board Members are doing and what you can do to help. Yesterday, I attended […]

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Final comments on Ayotte’s defeat…

November 12, 2016

We have been hearing from a few gun owners who were confused by the grade we gave to anti-gun, soon to be former US Senator Kelly Ayotte, I have decided to send everyone an email explanation. NHFC does not grade candidates based upon who their opponent is or whether or not we or the pollsters […]

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General Grades

October 23, 2016

Over the last few weeks, we have been hard at work grading the candidates who did not have contested primaries. You can view the full list of grades here. Please contact those politicians who do not have good grades and tell them they need to reform their view of the Second Amendment.

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Good guy with a gun prevents mass murder…

July 4, 2016

As we celebrate America’s Birthday, I wanted to let you know about some self defense gun uses.  The anti-gun crowd loves to falsely state that it never happens, and it never will… but just last week we learned about another case of: A Good guy with a gun preventing a mass shooting… Not only has […]

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Anti-gun Senator Ayotte still needs to hear from you…

June 30, 2016

Last week Scott told you about how U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte has become an anti-gun activist.  Well, it’s worse then we thought. When Scott sent his email out we knew that Senator Ayotte was teaming up with Senators Collins (R-Maine), Toomey (R-Pennsylvania), Schumer (D-New York) and Graham (R-South Carolina) to place people on a secret […]

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ANTI-GUN Sen. Ayotte needs to hear from you….

June 26, 2016

As you may know, we work closely with Gun Owners of America [GOA] to protect the Constitutional rights of law abiding citizens. Even though most anti-gun bills failed yesterday, the fight is not over.  Anti-gun Sen. Kelly Ayotte is trying to strip you of your rights without due process. Please review this critical alert from […]

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Come Meet US Congressman Frank Guinta – Shooters Outpost, May 4, 10AM

May 2, 2016

Come meet Congressman Frank Guinta on Wednesday, May 4: Shooters Outpost 1158 Hooksett Road Hooksett, NH US Congressman Frank Guinta (R-NH-1) will hold a press conference to discuss the bill he has sponsored that will allow the sales of all firearms across state lines. Because New Hampshire is the only state in the Northeast without […]

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Profiteering on gun bans…

April 25, 2016

Did you see the alert that NHFC Vice President Alan Rice sent on Friday?  If not, you can find the alert by clicking here. It is critical that you read all of the underhandedness that has been going on in Concord. For many years, we have been able to keep the anti-gun wolves at bay […]

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NASCAR affiliate Lobbyist now working for gun bans….

April 22, 2016

The gloves are off!  Anti gun former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has hired The DuPont Group, a Concord, NH based lobbying firm to push his gun-ban agenda. Shockingly, these are the same lobbyists who are employed by the New Hampshire International Motor Speedway, NASCAR and Crotched Mountain Resort.  These two New Hampshire institutions […]

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