Mental Health being used to take away rights of law abiding citizens.

by Secretary, NHFC on March 13, 2024

What:  HB 1711, a bill to seize your firearms because a shrink or bureaucrat declares you unfit.

When:  Wednesday 10:00 am  March 13, 2024 

Where:  Executive Session, Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, Legislative Office Building 202-204. No Public testimony will be allowed.

Pre-Written email to the committee at the bottom: 

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is currently following HB 1711-FN, a bill that would allow shrinks and bureaucrats to influence a court on whether or not you can possess a firearm.”

HB 1711 is co-sponsored by Rep. David Meuse (D-Rockingham 37), one of the most vocal anti-2nd Amendment politicians in Concord. Rep. Roy (R-Deerfield) is the House committee chair that is voting on this bill and he is also a co-sponsor.

In many ways, this is another “red flag” bill, using “mental health” as an excuse to strip law-abiding people like yourself of their right to keep and bear arms. It’s a bill to take away your rights, even though you have done nothing wrong, and all on the advice of some anti-gun psychologist or government bureaucrat.

This bill would start the precedent of using the mental health system to go after law-abiding gun owners like yourself, transforming our state into something similar to the infamous “Psychological Ward 7” of hospitals in the old Soviet Union.  

This bill is so bad that every major gun rights group, both here at home and nationally, opposed the bill.

I know with your help we can defeat this awful monstrosity. Indeed, you have already defeated FOUR terrible bills this session alone, including a typical “red flag” measure, excess background checks and waiting periods. And we can do it again.

I’m asking you to call the members of the Committee to oppose this horrendous bill during the upcoming Executive Session. Moreover, urge them to oppose any effort to amend this monstrosity. 

Lipstick on a pig will not make it anything more than a pig.

Go to to contact the Committee. In the upper left you will see the name “Terry Roy,” who is the Committee Chairman and also a sponsor of this terrible bill. By clicking on that you will find his email address and phone number in his Contact Information section. Or, better yet, you can also contact any or all of the committee members, finding their names listed below.

When emailing, use the subject heading “Vote Inexpedient to Legislate on HB 1711.” 

In addition, encourage them to consistently support our 2nd Amendment rights, and to stand up and protect law-abiding citizens from the schemes of the gun-grabbers and their lawless agendas.

Please contact the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee immediately.

Below is a sample letter to the committee:  Contact email address ‘’ 

NHFC alerted me about this bill:

HB 1711-FN, is a bill to seize firearms from law-abiding citizens of the Granite State under the auspices of psychologists and state bureaucrats who can declare somebody “unfit” to own a firearm.
Essentially, HB 1711-FN is another “red flag” bill, using “mental health” as the mask to strip away our 2nd Amendment rights to keep and bear arms, even though a “founded” individual has done nothing wrong.
HB 1711-FN is so bad that every major state and national-level firearms organization has come out against it.  Moreover, the premise of this bill is so bad that even an effort to amend it will not make it better.
Please vote Inexpedient to Legislate this bill and stop trampling the rights of the gun owners.
Dear Member of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee,

Here is our letter to the committee.

March 12th, 2024
Dear Member of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee,
HB 1711-FN, is yet another bill to seize firearms from law-abiding citizens of the Granite State under the auspices of psychologists and state bureaucrats who can declare somebody “unfit” to own a firearm.
Essentially, HB 1711-FN is simply a “red flag” bill, using “mental health” as the mask to strip away our 2nd Amendment rights to keep and bear arms, even though a “founded” individual has done nothing wrong.
HB 1711-FN is so bad that every major state and national-level firearms organization has come out against it.
Moreover, the premise of this bill is so bad that even an effort to amend it will not make it better.
NHFC urges you to oppose this bill with an Inexpedient to Legislate recommendation.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is an organization that is composed of firearms dealers, manufacturers and owners. NHFC continually tracks legislation that is of interest to our members, and HB 1711-FN will be a bill that we shall use in our legislative scorecard.

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