Anti-Gun Meuse Is at It Again. This Time, He Wants To Put Violent Patients on the Streets…

by Secretary, NHFC on January 29, 2024

There are a number of both pro-gun bills and anti-gun bills with hearings this week.  These hearings start as soon as tomorrow and end with a number of bills having a hearing on Friday, see image at the end of this alert. 

As these alerts are sent out, please take the time to read each one.  Heads up, there will be several that come out this week… I’m sorry, there are only so many hours in a day to volunteer.  I will have another alert tonight on a good bill in fish and game relative to requiring conservation officers to wear body cameras.

Below is our letter in reference to HB1711.  This bill is being pushed because of an unfortunate tragic event at the State Hospital in Concord.  Furthermore, the media has picked up this ‘gun control’ measure and nicknamed HB1711 as the “Chief Bradley Haas bill,” to attempt to further disarm the law-abiding citizens of our state as an overreaction to a tragic situation.

While the media wants to make the bill about the DISARMED former police chief, there is a much more accurate name for this bill.  This bill should be called “The2024 Meuse Violent Patient Release Act.” 

The bill simply allows those few that have been deemed so dangerous that they need to have their firearms taken, to be released back into society.  While these violent patients will not have firearms, they will have access to knives, cars and even fertilizer and diesel fuel for those that remember the Timothy McVeigh bombing from1995.  Bottom line is, if these patients are that dangerous, they likely need 24/7 care at a treatment facility instead of just taking away their firearms.  [Important note. the vast majority of mentally ill patients are not violent, including many of those that are involuntarily committed. This bill only addresses those that have been deemed dangerous]
We all know that the gun grabbers will take advantage of any tragic loss to push their agenda, and hence why the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition opposes this legislation.
HB 1711 allows firearms to be taken from anyone who is considered mentally incompetent to stand trial or who has been committed to a mental institution and is being released and is still considered dangerous.  
The bill is scheduled for a hearing in the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee on February 2 at 11:30 am in the Legislative Office Building room 202-04.
We hope you can attend this hearing in person to express concerns and opposition to HB 1711.  But, if you cannot attend this hearing in person, you can contact the committee directly by clicking this link:   After you click on this link, you will need to select the hearing date 2/2/2024 and the committee, Criminal Justice and Public Safety and the Bill HB1711 to let them know of your opposition.
Or, if you like, you can contact committee members directly, using a link further down the page.
Any legislation citing “mental health” rationales is almost always some backdoor attempt by gun grabbers to steal your precious Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
Please contact the Criminal Justice Committee:  and let them know of your concern about “The2024 Meuse Violent Patient Release Act.”.  People that are so violent that they need their firearms taken away need to be in a treatment facility to help them recover, those patients should not be on our streets.

Sample email for those who want to cut and paste:  Email address of the committee can be found here if you want to write a private email to the members:

Dear members of Criminal Justice,
The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition has alerted me about a dangerous bill that is before your committee. Instead of infringing on the rights of other law-abiding citizens, the proper response of government to the tragic death of Former Police Chief Bradley Haas would be to investigate why the security guard manning the metal detector was UNARMED!  

The bill before you has some serious unintended consequences, one of which would be to allow those that few that are deemed too violent to have a firearm, to be back on our streets.  We ask that you vote this Inexpedient to legislate.  We need to do a better job providing care to those that need mental health services, not just taking away their firearms.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
For Liberty,

JR Hoell, Secretary
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

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