You’re help is still needed, we need to stop David Patch…

by NHFC, Inc. on May 8, 2017

Last week I promised that I would keep you informed about the status of the nomination of anti-gun David Patch to serve another 5 year term on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.

I have recently learned that Governor Sununu placed David Patch on the Governor’s and Council Agenda for Wednesday, May 3. Sadly, despite your calls and emails, Governor Sununu did not formally withdraw the nomination of this anti-gun activist.  That means you need to keep calling and emailing the Executive Council.

We need to keep the heat on, you now have their attention, let them know that you will not sit idly by and allow anti-gun activists to have a place in state government.

You can call the Governors office: (603) 271-2121 and politely ask the receptionist to tell the Governor that you are opposed to having an anti-gun activist on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.  Please urge the Governor to replace David Patch with someone who will not attack the Second Amendment and who will properly supervise the Fish and Game Department and work to stop the anti-gun activism in the department.

But most importantly, please click here to find out who your Executive Councilor is and how to contact him.  Please let the Executive Council know that anti-gun David Patch is completely unacceptable and that you expect him to be replaced with a nominee who will not attack your Second Amendment civil rights. We are fighting for freedom and David Patch opposed your right to carry concealed without government permission!

Dear Executive Councilor,

David Patch is an anti-gun activist who Seconded the motion made at a Fish and Game Commission meeting to oppose Constitutional Carry.  A bill that Governor Sununu signed into law on February 22, George Washington’s birthday.  The Fish and Game Department has become a rogue agency that routinely violates citizens Fifth Amendment rights and we need Commissioners who will faithfully fulfill their statutory duties to be the “citizens’ representatives” instead of promoting gun control.   Please vote NO on the nomination of David Patch.

Thanks for your kind consideration.

If you prefer you may cal the Executive Council office: (603) 271-3632 and simply ask the receptionist to deliver the above message to your Executive Councilor.  Please remember, the receptionist receives dozens of calls a day and is not our enemy.  Please be polite and respectful to the receptionist, they remember and appreciate it and will deliver your message.

If you need the background on the anti-gun activities of David Patch, please click here,  and here.

As I explained last week, if the Governor does not withdraw the nomination of anti-gun David Patch he stays on the Fish and Game Commission even if he is not confirmed because R.S.A. 206:3 provides that:
“The members shall hold office for a term of 5 years, and each shall continue in office until his successor is appointed and qualified.”

We must make sure the Executive Council defeats David Patch and the Governor then, immediately nominates someone who will be faithful to the people whom they are charged with representing.

Thanks for your support.  Without you, the grassroots gun owners, we would not have come as far as we have.  I truly appreciate your activism. I am humbled and motivated by all the notes I receive from you, the grassroots gun owners.  And as those of you who have written know, I answer all emails.

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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