Your activism is working, help still needed….

by NHFC, Inc. on March 4, 2018

In my last few emails, I told you about Senator Hennessey’s sneaky attempt to ban self defense guns from being carried in schools as well as CACR 19, a proposed Constitutional Amendment, that would, for the first time ever, make New Hampshire a “home rule” state and probably usher in sweeping new local gun bans.

We need to double our efforts to stop the Hennessey gun and self defense ban.  More on that below,  but first some more information on CACR 19.

I am happy to report that on February 27, the House Municipal and County Government Committee voted CACR 19 “inexpedient to legislate”.  Your calls and emails made a huge difference in the outcome.  However, the fight is not over, the enemies of freedom have vowed a floor fight on CACR 19 and will attempt to overturn the committee vote.  Therefore, you must now contact your own state representatives and demand that they vote to uphold the committee recommendation of ITL on CACR 19.

Please click here to find out who your representatives are and how to contact them.


You will soon consider CACR 19 which will allow virtually unlimited authority to cities and towns to enact all sorts of regulations.  The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition told me that CACR 19 will allow local gun bans and other restrictions on firearms possession, sales and carry.  It was bad enough that a majority of the House of Representatives voted to send HB 1749, statewide preemption to interim study and kill the bill, but to allow CACR 19 to proceed will turn long standing New Hampshire freedoms on end by allowing local gun bans.

Please uphold the February 27 vote of the Municipal and County Government Committee and vote CACR 19 “inexpedient to legislate”.


I also want to update you on the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense ban.  There is still time to contact the Senate Education Committee before they meet.

Several NHFC members told me that Senator Reagan said that the Education Committee will hold a public hearing on March 13 at 10 AM in Representatives Hall.  The hearing date and time have not been confirmed and have not yet been published in the Senate Calendar.  We will alert you as soon as we have written confirmation. 

It is important to note that on February 22, the Senate had an opportunity to vote the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban down, but due to a lack of leadership by Senate President Chuck Morse and Majority Leader Jeb Bradley, the feckless majority decided to send the amendment to a committee for study.  There is nothing to study; New Hampshire schools are safe precisely because we do not prohibit otherwise law abiding adults from carrying self defense firearms.  A would be murderer does not know if his intended victims are able to offer armed resistance and will probably seek out a softer target.

In the meantime, please plan to attend the public hearing (once we have a confirmation of the date), you do not need to speak if you do not want to, you can just sign in as being opposed to the Hennessey gun and self defense ban.  We need to stand strong for freedom, please attend the hearing.

Please send this prewritten message to all members of the Senate Education Committee:

Dear Senators,

Please vote NO on Senator Hennessey’s amendment allowing local school boards to ban guns.  This amendment appears to have been offered in response to the murders in Florida that were a direct result of Florida’s self defense gun ban and law enforcement’s failure to act as well as cowardice by some Deputy Sheriff’s.  We do not have a problem in New Hampshire schools precisely because we allow law abiding adults to carry guns. A would be murderer does not know if his intended victims are armed and able to fight back.  That is a powerful deterrent.  Please do not act on emotion, but rather on facts, and the facts are that guns, in the hands of law abiding people, save lives.

Thank you,


Chairman Senator John Reagan, 603-271-4063  email
Vice Chairman Senator Bob Guida, 603-271-3074 email
Senator Ruth Ward 603-271-6733 email
Senator David Watters 603-271-8631  email:
Senator Jay Kahn 603-271-8631 email:

Finally, as a point of information, after the murders in Parkland, Florida, many national corporations have decided to side with the gun ban crowd instead of you, freedom loving, law abiding American’s.  Most are not even worth commenting on.  However, I want to let you know that Dick’s Sporting Goods, a national sporting goods retailer has taken the anti-gun side in our struggle for freedom.  They have issued a “press release” stating that they will no longer sell certain semi-automatic firearms and standard capacity magazines.  Dick’s has also decided to impose their own gun ban on 18-20 year old Americans.  Finally, they also calling for government action to ban these valuable self defense tools.  This reminds me of the anti-gun activities of the late Bill Ruger. Rather then waste space reprinting their anti-gun press release, I’ll just link to it here and you can form your own opinion.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

PS: You might recall that NHFC wrote to you about a terrible anti-gun bill, SB 500 which was introduced by Senator Kevin Avard (R-12) and Senator Jeb Bradley (R-3).  On February 13 the Senate Judiciary Committee held a public hearing; but they have still not made a decision on the bill or the proposed amendment that will actually make the bill worse, click here for our hearing report.    We need you to still contact the Judiciary Committee and tell them to oppose SB 500.

Click here for contact information for all Judiciary Committee members.

SAMPLE EMAIL: Please vote SB 500 Inexpedient to Legislate. I heard that Senator Avard offered an amendment that makes a bad bill worse.  SB 500 is an anti-gun bill that will greatly harm New Hampshire firearms owners by using the federal definition of a firearm as well as making radical changes to R.S.A. 207:7 but stops short of repealing this possessory gun ban. The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition told me that we can follow federal law without making it part of New Hampshire law and creating new regulations on frames, receivers and sound suppressors.  Please vote SB 500 ITL.

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