Yesterday at the State House…

by NHFC, Inc. on December 20, 2018

You might have heard; yesterday, the new anti-gun majority in Concord convened a meeting of the House Rules Committee, Chaired by the new Speaker of the House Rep. Stephen Shurtleff.  The committee voted to ban the carrying of guns, concealed or openly in Representatives Hall, anterooms, cloakrooms or the House Gallery.  They are effectively turning these areas into criminal safe zones.  What is even more disturbing is what I said in our press release on the matter:

“…State Representatives, many of whom are female and carry guns for self defense against larger, stronger assailants will be disarmed and easy prey when they walk from remote parking garages to the statehouse.  The party that claims to support women is leaving women defenseless.” 

When I first learned about the vote I thought, how naïve to really believe that a potential murderer would read a sign and disarm before entering the Statehouse.  But I quickly learned that Rep. Shurtleff said that if the full house approves the new rule in January, he would request additional State Police presence at the Statehouse.  That’s right, he seems to understand that armed self defense works, while at the same time disarming those Representatives who wish to take responsibility for their own personal safety.   This issue is of great concern because when large, overflow crowds attend legislative committee hearings the hearings are moved to Representatives Hall where there is more seating.  This new rule will probably reduce attendance at these hearings.  Maybe that is what Rep. Shurtleff wants as he cements his title as the most anti-gun Speaker in New Hampshire history.

You can read the details in NH Journal by clicking here and if you would like to read our entire press release, please click here.

Here is what you can do to help.  Click here to find out who your state representatives are and call or email them to express your opposition to the new rule.  Even if your State Rep. is a member of the new anti-gun majority.


Dear Representative:

I strongly disagree with the rules committee vote on December 19, 2018 to ban the carrying of arms in the House Chamber, cloakrooms or House Gallery.  I find it outrageous that representatives will be forced to leave their self defense tools in parked cars, becoming defenseless for the walk to the house.  Furthermore, members of the public, who wish to attend legislative hearings that may be moved into Representatives Hall should not be forced to surrender their Second Amendment rights to use their First Amendment right to free speech.

Please remember to be polite but firm when you contact these elected officials.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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