WMUR vets the candidates on firearms…

by NHFC, Inc. on September 8, 2018

Remember the 1955 song by the Platters, “The Great Pretender”?  It seems like many of the candidates running for Congress in District 2 are great pretenders when it comes to the Second Amendment.   Especially F (RS) rated Steve Negron.  When asked by debate moderator, Adam Sexton (at 33 minutes) what was his favorite kind of gun to shoot Steve Negron couldn’t even name one. He just said “anybody elses”; wow the great pretender might not even own a gun of his own!  And one of the other pretenders, Stewart Levenson, (who promotes taxing guns) merely said his over and under Beretta with his dog Libby, (which comes as no surprise since he told at least on NHFC leader that he opposes certain guns and magazines), hence his grade of C.  Even Lynne Blankenbecker, (who also favors taxing guns), was able to name a Beretta pistol.

I was pleased to hear A*S rated Bob Burns name an FN SCAR and a 1911 pistol.  It looks to me like Bob Burns truly lives a Second Amendment lifestyle by owning and using guns that he was able to identify without hesitation.

Just remember, these candidates are applying for a job.  The debates, the town halls, the campaigning at the dump are all ways that you, the hiring authority can determine who you would like to hire to represent you in Washington DC. Some are failing miserably, lets not allow them to cover up their faults.  Some, are actually doing OK in the interview process but could do much better.

The candidates were recently asked by WMUR what they thought should be done regarding gun laws (and many other issues). It was refreshing to hear that three candidates, clearly understand that we can’t leave New Hampshire, and drive south, without being arrested for carrying a firearm; A*S rated Bob Burns clearly stated that he is willing to work to change that; and even candidates Gerald Beloin and Lynne Blankenbecker, who both showed far less support for the Second Amendment on the NHFC Candidate Survey seem to understand that the right to self defense does not end at the state line.

One would even think that a candidate like F (RS) rated Steve Negron, who lives in Nashua would understand this issue better than those who reside miles away from the state line.  But no, Steve Negron appears to not understand the issue. His simple comment to WMUR in response to Changes to Gun Laws was: “None needed”. Any gun owner living in Nashua should understand the seriousness of going to the wrong parking lot of the Pheasant Lane Mall, they are now in Massachusetts.  Click here for an aerial view of the mall that shows that not only are some of the parking lots in Tyngsboro, MA, but also parts of some of the buildings.  Most New Hampshire residents may be shocked to learn that merely having any firearm or cartridge in your vehicle or on your person without a Massachusetts non-resident license can result in a mandatory minimum prison sentence.  Wow, this is scary, and Steve Negron says we don’t need to change the gun laws!

Three candidates understand why those of us living in New Hampshire are disproportionately affected by the Massachusetts and New York anti-gun, anti-self defense laws and are willing to do something about it. Two candidates made it clear that they are OK with the status quo.  Two candidates are willing to let honest New Hampshire citizens rot in a Massachusetts jail.  It looks like half of the 7 Republican Candidates and all of the Democratic Candidates in Congressional District 2,  just don’t understand the day-to-day risk that gun owners face when driving cars near the Massachusetts border.

The candidates who appear to not support making a New Hampshire Pistol / Revolver license valid nationwide are Steve Negron, Jay Mercer, Stewart Levenson and Brian Belanger.   We have been fighting for the rights of gun owners for many years.  Refusing to take a survey has always been a clear sign of someone who does not truly support Second Amendment Civil rights.  Another sign is when a former New Hampshire State Senator who has donated to the campaigns of Jeff Woodburn (author of the defeated bump stock ban) and Martha Fuller Clark (who has voted against Second Amendment rights for decades); is a vocal Negron supporter.  But the candidate’s own words are the most damning.

When asked about changes to gun laws, Steve Negron, the great pretender, simply said “none needed”.

After hearing his debate answer about what gun he likes to shoot, it is become more and more obvious that Steve Negron probably doesn’t even carry a firearm and thus has no worries about being arrested or maybe he doesn’t worry about the cartridge laying in his bag from a recent range trip. Or maybe he doesn’t care about the empty casing that ended up in his coat pocket as he was leaving the range.  Why?  Because he only pretends to support the Second Amendment.

Most NHFC members whom I speak with, live day in and day out worrying about being arrested for having a firearm with them because Massachusetts does not honor any out of state licenses. While 28 other states do honor a New Hampshire license, but to travel to those states by car law abiding New Hampshire residents must travel through Massachusetts and New York. This leaves our citizens no opportunity to go to the rest of the country without disarming. It is time to change that but we need members of Congress who are willing to force that change. Rep. Hudson of North Carolina introduced H.R. 38 to solve this serious issue.  It is time to enact H.R. 38, but sadly Steve Negron, Jay Mercer, Stewart Levenson and Brian Belanger seem to be unwilling to make this much needed change to federal law.

As always, thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

J.R. Hoell
Corporate Secretary – NHFC, Inc.

P.S.: If you missed our candidate report card, click here for a copy.

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