Will you commit to help NHFC protect your guns?

by NHFC, Inc. on September 21, 2018

I’m very concerned.  This year, for the first time in a very long time, certain candidates for elective office are openly talking about gun bans, gun confiscation (“red flag” legislation), 48 hour waiting periods, allowing local gun bans (repealing preemption) and other severe gun controls that have been virtually unheard of in New Hampshire.  To be sure, we have always known that certain people want to ban and confiscate everything, but even they have been discrete about their intentions.  No more, they are out pushing gun control and if successful, the New Hampshire that we all know and love will cease to exist.

I’ll start with the highest offices and work down the list:

Gubernatorial Candidate Molly Kelly wants all of the following:

  • Keep military-style weapons off our streets – (she means a gun and magazine ban, I don’t know of anyone who leaves their guns on the streets);
  • Reinstate the requirement of a permit to carry a concealed weapon – (ending Constitutional Carry, probably with a New York or Massachusetts style discretionary licensing system);
  • Pass a “red flag” law (meaning confiscate guns and then, force the gun owner to go to court to prove their innocence);
  • Institute a 48-hour waiting period for all gun purchases – (Molly Kelly wants you to make two trips to the gun store to pick up a new gun; once to buy and again to pick it up and if you thought the waits on the New Hampshire gun line were long now, this will only make matters worse); and
  • Support local communities’ decision to ensure the safety of their residents (this probably means an end to preemption and the authorization of sweeping local gun bans).

And District 9 State Senate Candidate Jeanne Dietch also wants to:

  • Pass a 48-hour wait (sic) period;
  • comprehensive background checks, (meaning sell a gun to a friend go to jail);
  • safety test – (she probably wants Massachusetts style mandatory training);
  • “red flag” laws – (See above for Molly Kelly);
  • and Dietch isn’t content to just repeal Constitutional Carry, in her own words she wants to “revoke concealed carry”;
  • And she also wants to: “Set up a study committee to define legislation on assault weapons, bump stocks, 3D-printing of guns and ammunition sales.”  I can tell you that any “committee” that is set up by Jeanne Dietch will probably recommend banning all of these things.

And Hillsborough 7, State Rep Candidate Wayne Goldner said:
“All citizens deserve to be safe at home, in school and in public. There needs to be common sense gun safety laws including universal background checks, waiting period and removing guns from at risk individuals. Funding and training of law enforcement, gun education and locking of guns is also necessary.

It looks like Wayne Goldner pretty much wants to ban all guns as well.

While all of the above are anti-gun democrats, certain republicans are just as bad…

Remember the Clinton gun and magazine ban of 1994?  That law was passed with the help of Republican compromisers like former Congressman and current Governor of Ohio John Kasich.  The threats facing New Hampshire are in fact very real and I doubt the Republican Party of New Hampshire has the intestinal fortitude to resist.  Remember, they conducted their candidate training class at an anti-gun restaurant.

And this email would not be complete if I didn’t remind you that Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley pushed for so called “red flag” gun confiscation earlier this year.  My state house sources have told me that this idea is very much alive because Senator Bradley has still not renounced it.  Here at NHFC, we take the threat of gun confiscation very seriously.

Anti-Democrats are chomping at the bit to reclaim power in the New Hampshire General Court and they might even be helped by Senator Jeb Bradley.  2018 is a critical year, even traditionally red states like Texas, Georgia, and Tennessee are starting to look ripe for the anti-gun taking.  New Hampshire, because it is situated in the Northeast is probably even more vulnerable.  Look what happened in Vermont just a few short months ago, they banned standard capacity magazines and bump stocks (which is really a ban on any type of modification to your firearm and they also took away the Second Amendment rights of 18 – 20 year olds, all signed into law by Republican Governor Phil Scott!  And the Republican Legislature and Governor of Florida, which has been commonly referred to as the “Gun Shine State” banned firearms possession by 18-20 year olds and also banned bump stocks.  Florida even enacted “red flag” gun confiscation which Florida police officers have wasted no time using it to disarm people, seizing hundreds of guns.

What is particularly frustrating to me is that those, who cannot do basic math – e.g., those, who back “gun control” – are unfit to hold any public office. NHFC has always cited our data sources so anyone can see what are the facts of this matter.

“Gun control” is mathematical idiocy: at end-2016, there were about 402,000,000 firearms in the U.S., more than one for each of the 328,000,000 U.S. residents (US Census Bureau), including infants, who usually own little. (See U.S. Dept of Justice, “Firearms Commerce in the United States”, 2000 and 2018; U.S. military-owned firearms excluded). Things so abundant and concealable cannot be controlled.

That is what foredoomed Prohibition, the nationwide ban on alcoholic drinks (1919-33). Then, as now, the ingredients for home-brew could be bought in any grocery store. In some regions, distilling alcohol (“moonshine”, “white lightning”) was a tradition older than is this Republic. Prohibition made some “moonshiners” wealthy. Those, who backed Prohibition, were impenetrably stupid. They bequeathed to us well-organized criminal cartels, still a plague on the land.

Further, since 1980, the number of firearms in the U.S. has doubled, but the murder rate has halved. In 1980, the murder rate was 10.2 per 100,000 residents (Dept. of Justice, “Homicide Trends in the United States, 1980-2008”, p.2). In 2016, the homicide rate was 5.3 per 100,000 residents (FBI, “Crime in the United States”, 2016. Table 1). If firearms drove the incidence of criminality, the murder rate should have doubled. It didn’t. The murder rate halved.

All of the statistics, logic, the US and New Hampshire Constitutions are on our side and I will not give up without a fight. 

However, fighting to win takes resources.  If you are already an NHFC Member will you please renew for 2019 now to save us the cost of a renewal mailing.  If you’re receiving our email alerts and are not a member will you please click here to become a member?

Another way that you can support NHFC is by purchasing one of our custom rifles.

I know with your support we can keep New Hampshire the beacon of freedom and liberty that it has always been.  Can I count on you?

As always, thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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