WE WON!!! HB 1589 is DEAD!

by NHFC, Inc. on February 12, 2014

We did it!!!   I am happy to report, that earlier today, after several votes in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, HB 1589 (as amended) was voted “inexpedient to legislate” (ITL) by a division vote of 242-118.

There were some nail biting moments when the committee amendment to make “sell a gun to a friend go to jail” (HB 1589) “less anti gun” passed and then again when an amendment offered by pro-firearms advocate, Rep. JR Hoell to create a committee to study why New Hampshire is one of the safest lowest crime states to live in passed.  However, ultimately, HB 1589 was properly voted ITL.

We could not have achieved this stunning victory without you, the grassroots gun owners. 

You went up against well funded out of state interest groups who are determined to make New Hampshire as hostile to gun owners as New York or New Jersey.  Even though our opponents are well funded, you, the law abiding, peaceable firearms owners are even more determined to keep your freedoms. New Hampshire is a beacon of freedom in the Northeast.  Your phone calls, emails and letters were able to overcome some slick New York City based “community organizers”.

We all deserve to take a moment to savor this hard-fought victory, but unfortunately our opponents never seem to tire.  We must remain ever vigilant in defense of our cherished liberties.  And so I hope that future NHFC legislative action alerts will receive both your attention and your participation.

We still need to stop SB 244, “see a shrink lose your guns”.  We are also watching several other bills and will alert you when needed.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss
Vice President – NHFC
P.S. I also want to thank all the NHFC members and supporters who forwarded us copies of emails from State Reps.  That information was very helpful and we appreciate your efforts.

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