If you have been reading our alerts you probably understand that the new, anti-gun majority is forcing their agenda through the legislature. We are at the halfway point of the 2019 legislative session and most of the anti-gun bills that have passed the House of Representatives will be considered by the Senate. The last two bills will be voted on this week. Click here for our original alert on HB 696, elder care gun confiscation and HB 564, criminal safe gun free schools. Our previous alert contains a pre-written message for State Representatives.
Because both of these anti-gun bills were sent to a second committee, they need to be voted on again. Please, take this time to contact your state representatives and urge them to oppose both HB 696 and HB 564.
Click here for a tool that will help you locate your state representative and provide contact information.
When the Senate assigns bills to committees and schedules hearings we will send another alert.
Thanks for your continued support.
In liberty,
Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.
President – NHFC, Inc.