We NEED your help NOW!

by NHFC, Inc. on January 21, 2019

Last week I sent an update about some of the anti-gun, anti-freedom bills that we are watching.

Today I want to tell you about HB 109 and HB 514 which will both be heard by the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee on February 13 at 1PM and 2:30 PM respectively.

HB 109 is the “sell a gun to a friend go to jail” bill that will outlaw private sales of firearms between friends and family members and subject violators to imprisonment.  HB 109, if enacted into law, will require all gun transfers – including even handing a gun to a friend to shoot – to be registered via the computerized National Instant Background Check System (NICS). And make no mistake, registration is what they are after. Why? Because they can’t ban what they can’t find.

There are numerous other problems with HB 109 which we wrote about in 2017 when what was essentially the same bill was introduced as HB 201.  In 2017, HB 201 was defeated.  This year it is just as important that we defeat HB 109.

HB 514 will make New Hampshire into one of the most anti-gun, anti-freedom states in America by imposing an up to 9 day waiting period between the purchase and delivery of a firearm or ammunition.  That’s right, you will be forced to wait up to 9 days to take possession of a firearm or even a single round of ammunition.  You can forget that spur of the moment target shooting or hunting trip.  You can probably also forget about buying economical ammunition because dealers will be forced to raise their prices to compensate them for the massive record keeping that will be required to comply with the provisions of HB 514.  Most dealers will probably require a minimum purchase of 5, 10 or even 20 boxes of ammunition because a single box will require the same record keeping as multiple boxes.  You can also say goodbye to purchasing ammunition online since most online vendors will simply stop selling to New Hampshire residents rather than comply with these arcane requirements.  When this becomes known, ammunition prices will rise; significantly!

And if these new ammunition rules aren’t enough to convince you how bad HB 514 is, Section II requires dealers and manufacturers to “make available records of firearm and ammunition sales for inspection by any state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency, during normal business hours.”  These sales records can be inspected at any time and there is no requirement to obtain a search warrant and no requirement to show that they are investigating a crime.  HB 514 will, if enacted into law, create a firearms registry in New Hampshire.

In every state or nation that has registered firearms, those registration lists were later used to confiscate guns when laws were changed.  From Nazi Germany in the 1930s to Uganda in the 1970s to New York City in the 1990s to Massachusetts in the early 2000s.  Registration and records of firearms sales in the hands of government has always led to bans and confiscation.  Nelson T. “Pete” Shields, one of the original founders of Handgun Control, Inc. said as much in 1976.

HB 514 is intended to decrease the supply of firearms and ammunition by foisting massive record keeping requirements onto law abiding firearms dealers.  Records, that can and will be used to later ban and confiscate guns and ammunition.  HB 514 is in essence a back door gun ban.

Both HB 109 and HB 514 must be stopped and here is what we NEED you to do:

Please plan to attend the public hearings on February 13.

Please request time off from work NOW for February 13.  It is critical that you attend.  You can either speak against the bills or just sign in on the blue form that you are opposed to HB 109 and HB 514, choose one or the other but we need you in Concord on February 13.  These anti-gun, anti-freedom, New York style gun control bills are payback to Michael Bloomberg for helping the radical left win control of the New Hampshire General Court.

Even if you plan to attend the public hearings, please also write to your State Representatives and urge them to vote both HB 109 and HB 514 “inexpedient to legislate”.  Click here for a roster of all State Representatives.  After you have contacted your own State Representatatives, please contact the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and urge them to reject both HB 109 and HB 514.  Click here for the Committee roster and contact information.

In my last update, I told you that a so called “red flag” gun confiscation bill would be introduced.  At the time of my last email the bill text was not available but it is now and HB 687, the gun confiscation bill is as bad as we predicted and then some.  Here’s a list of the worst of the worst:

  • A family member or law enforcement officer (including Conservation Officers) can ask a judge (without you even present) to issue a gun confiscation order that the sponsors call an “Extreme Risk Protection Order” which can even be issued by telephone;
  • Brandishing a weapon is one of the many reasons that such an order can be issued.  Since anti-gun Conservation Officers are already claiming that carrying a gun in the woods is evidence of poaching, it won’t be long before they start telling the courts that openly carrying a gun is brandishing and cause for a gun confiscation order to be issued;
  • Another “reason” for a court to issue such an order is: “Evidence of recent acquisition of firearms or ammunition…”, Wow, exercising your Second Amendment rights is a reason to have your Second Amendment rights taken away!
  • You will be ordered, by a court, to surrender your guns and ammunition. And if you don’t, the police will get a search warrant and seize them.  When this happened to a Maryland gun owner he ended up dead;
  • The police can charge you to store your own property and they can even transfer your firearms to a licensed gun dealer for storage at your expense;
  • The “authorities” can NOT be held liable for any damage to your firearms;
  • In order to vacate (cancel the order) you will be forced to spend tens of thousands of dollars on attorneys and experts so even if you win, you lose.

Please read our short fact sheet on gun confiscation by clicking here and you can click here for an excellent video by Guns and Gadgets on the real nature of the gun confiscation bill.  Then, do not wait, start contacting your State Representatives and urging them to vote HB 687 “inexpedient to legislate”.  Click here for a roster of all State Representatives.  After you have contacted your own State Representatatives, please contact the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and urge them to reject HB 687.  Click here for the Committee roster and contact information.

When HB 687 is scheduled for a public hearing we will send more information.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.P.S.  Our national partners at Gun Owners of America are urging the US Senate NOT to confirm anti-gun William Barr as US Attorney General.  Click here for their alert and instructions on how to take action.

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