We need you to sign our petition…

by NHFC, Inc. on February 18, 2019

I know that we have been asking a lot of you lately but I’m sure you understand that the threats to our freedoms are very real.

The NHFC Board of Directors has authorized a petition to let the Governor, Senate President and Speaker of the House know that we are backed by thousands of grassroots gun owners.  Our petition is clear, we have listed the six active anti-gun bills, HB 101, HB 109, HB 514, HB 564, HB 687 and HB 696 and we made it clear that our opposition is not limited to these six.  We are clear, no gun control is acceptable. 

To help us, we need you to go to this link, complete the petition and hit the submit button.  We will print and deliver copies of the signed petitions to the Governor, Senate President and Speaker of the House.

After you have signed our petition, please forward this email to your friends, family, gun club and anyone else who cares about freedom and liberty.

For details on all of the anti-gun bills in our petition please see our website.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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