Vote on Constitutional Carry put off until tomorrow, contact your representatives now!

by President on January 4, 2012

Earlier today I told you about an attempt to kill HB 536, and asked you to call Rep. Elaine Swinford and tell her to back down.

Fortunately, we were given a reprieve, but not for long.

Your see, the House, unexpectedly, did not get to HB 536 during its business today, so you have more time to contact your legislators, and tell them you want Constitutional Carry passed, right now, without any more amendments to weaken it.

There is still a chance we can pass this bill.

But I need you to act immediately.

I expect HB 536 will be the second bill the legislature will be voting on tomorrow.

Every vote is going to count, that is why I need you help right now.

As you know, if passed, HB 536 would restore the right of every law-abiding New Hampshire citizen to carry a gun to protect themselves and their families — WITHOUT going through a bunch of bureaucratic rigmarole!

In short, if you’re legally able to own a firearm, you’re legally able to carry it. Period.

No expensive permit fees.

No “Big-Brother-May-I”.

No “dangerous persons” databases.

Just a God-given right to carry a firearm… the way our founding fathers intended.

This is the way it’s done in Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, and now Wyoming.

It is time for NH to be next.

We have a chance to move this forward tomorrow, but it is not going to be easy.

Your calls and emails are working, Rep. Swinford has given indications she will back down, but you and I need to make sure that all our legislators know not to try the shenanigans she was going to pull.

You and I both know when one trick doesn’t work the gun-grabbers will use another.  So while Rep. Swinford may have learned her lesson for now, it is important we don’t give any of our representatives any room to harm this important legislation.

I need you to call and/or email your representatives. Tell them you want them to support HB 536, and not allow any amendments to weaken the bill.

Make sure your representatives know that allowing a parliamentary trick to kill the bill is just as anti-gun as voting against it.

Remind your representatives that you want Constitutional Carry passed now!

I do have some good new, the other bill I told you about yesterday, HB 334, preemption of local regulations, passed the House 180-144.

But, with the governor threatening a veto of both HB 334 and HB 536, it is going to be imperative that we get a stronger showing in support of HB 536 tomorrow.

That is why it is absolutely critical that you call and/or email your representatives today!


Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President, NHFC

P.S. The legislature will be voting on Constitutional Carry (HB 536) tomorrow. Your help is needed for it to pass.

Email and/or call your representatives, tell them to pass HB 536. Tell them you want HB 536 passed now, without any amendments that will weaken it.


Michael January 13, 2012 at 8:27 am

What happened with this???

admin January 14, 2012 at 12:12 am

It passed the House as recommended by the committee. Thanks to the help of members like you we were able to prevent any further tampering with the bill. Now we just need to make sure the Senate doesn’t screw it up.

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