URGENT – Hassan Administration to curtail carry!!

by NHFC, Inc. on June 8, 2013

After gun control was defeated in the Legislature, in an over step of their authority, the administration of Gov. Maggie Hassan and the Department of Safety is rewriting rules for issuing non resident pistol / revolver licenses.  These anti gun rules will affect residents as well.

This concerns all New Hampshire residents because if these rules are  allowed to stand, your rights, as a New Hampshire resident will be diminished.  The bureaucrats will adopt these same rules, that carry the full force of law and make them apply to state residents.

U.S. Citizens will be banned from concealed carry for life in New Hampshire for as little as touching another person without their permission.

An existing license could be automatically be suspended if a person is arrested. So much for the presumption of innocence which is part of American juris prudence.

The newly proposed rules will make criminals out of youth who are otherwise lawfully participating in sanctioned competitive shooting events.

These new rules appear to ban concealed carry for anyone who has ever had an “emotional problem”. These rules even put unreasonable and probably unattainable requirements on residents of firearms freedom friendly states like Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming.

The rules even mandate a lessor term for the license than state law allows.

NEW REQUIREMENTS: The applicant “SHALL” consent to the release of ALL  records about  their “ability and fitness to carry a pistol or revolver”.  Since this is not defined, we can only assume that it is intended to authorize “fishing expeditions” of medical records employment files from all employers, what groups or organizations you may be a member of, like NHFC, Inc.  Just look at how the IRS is treating conservative groups to see where this can go.  Have you ever been accused of child abuse? They could even look at your phone records and emails, credit reports, who you associate with, the potential for abuse is endless.  Any record that COULD show that someone COULD have once had an “emotional problem”.

All devised by the Hassan administration to keep law abiding citizens from exercising their Second Amendment rights.

Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming residents who allow Granite Staters to carry in their States without any license must get a government permission slip from their state to carry in our state as well as our States permission. What an insult.

The denial appeal process is virtually eliminated by shortening the appeal filing deadline to seven days including weekends and holidays. There isn’t even a requirement for the department to notify the applicant or licensee of the denial, suspension or revocation. The appeals clock will run out before the person even knows that they have been denied. A person who doesn’t know their license has been suspended could then be arrested for carrying without a license.

The Department of Safety claims that the proposed rules (laws) are only for out of state residents. Knowing that as they make these hurdles higher for out of state citizens local law enforsement and the courts will likely follow suit and impose these barriers on New Hampshire residents.

Here is what you need to do right now to protect your rights, first call or email Gov. Hassan’s office and tell her that you are opposed to this power grab by the bureaucrats at the Department of Safety. Ask the Governor to tell the Department of Safety to listen to the overwhelming public opposition regarding amending the rules. Ask Governor Hassan to put a stop to this New York style gun control. This is wrong for New Hampshire!

Click here to email the Governor.

or call her office at: (603)271-2121

Next, contact YOUR State Representatives and Senators and tell them that you are opposed to the proposed new rules for pistol and revolver licenses.  Let them know that you are outraged that lawmakers have given their authority over to unelected bureaucrats at the Department of Safety.

You need to be clear and explain that you will not tolerate any assaults on Second Amendment rights.  Let these elected officials know that you understand that diminishing the rights of non residents will open the door to curtailing the Second Amendment rights of New Hampshire residents and that you will not put up with it.  Ask your State Reps and Senators to demand that the Department of Safety withdraw this outrageous proposal. Here is the contact information for all State Reps and Senators.

Click here for Representatives.

and click here for Senators.

Finally, contact the JOINT LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE RULES and thank them for objecting to these anti freedom rules.  Ask them to keep the pressure on the Department of Safety.  Make sure you let them know that you are strongly opposed to these new, anti gun rules:

Senate Members of JLCAR
r-Sen. John Reagan, Chair 603-271-4063/ 603-463-3009 (home) john.reagan111@gmail.com
r-Sen. Sam Cataldo 603-271-4063/603-859-1089 (home) casac@worldpath.net
d-Sen. Bette Lasky 603-271-1403/603-888-5557 H/603-315-1924 bette.lasky@leg.state.nh.us
r-Sen. Jim Rausch 603-271-3091/603-898-0080 (home) james.rausch@leg.state.nh.us
d-Sen. David Watters 603-271-8631/603-969-9224 (cell) david.watters@leg.state.nh.us
r-Sen. President Peter Bragdon (Alt.) 603-271-2111 peter.bragdon@leg.state.nh.us
d-Sen. Lou D’Allesandro (Alt.)603-271-2117/603-669-3494 (home) dalas@leg.state.nh.us
House Members of JLCAR
d-Rep. Peter B. Schmidt, Vice-Chair 603-743- 3751 /603-271-3319  reppbs@ttlc.net
r-Rep. Rick M. Ladd 603-989-3268 /603-271-3334 ladd.nhhouse@charter.net
d-Rep. James R. MacKay 603-224-0623/ 603-271-3334 james.mackay@mygait.com
r-Rep. Carol M. McGuire 603-782-4918 /603-271-3319 carol@mcguire4house.com
d-Rep. Tara A. Sad 603-756-4861/603-271-3125 tara.eric@gmail.com
d-Rep. Suzanne H. Gottling (Alt.)603-763-5904/603-3125 sgottling@comcast.net

Please remember to be polite, but firm and respectful when contacting elected officials.

Thanks for your support.

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