Urgent! Call Your Representative Today!

by Secretary, NHFC on February 23, 2021

We need your help!The New Hampshire House of Representatives will meet in session tomorrow, and they have several key bills to vote on regarding your second amendment rights!

Find your representative here, and make sure to call them today and tell them to vote properly on the following: http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/default.aspx

House Bill 246 – The  “Eldercare Gun Confiscation” Bill, masquerading as a bill to protect the elderly. This bill is recommended “Inexpedient To Legislate, [ITL]” but that doesn’t go far enough to protect your 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 14th amendment rights. Tell your legislator to support Indefinite Postponement and kill this bill for good for the biennium!This bill must be roll-called!

House Bills 81 and 197 – Expanding “Stand Your Ground” protections. Your legislators need to support these important bills and vote Ought to Pass. HB81 clarifies that you have the right to protect anyone on your property from threats, and HB197 clarifies that Stand Your Ground applies to your vehicle, not just your home. Both bills make sure that Granite Staters are not vulnerable to prosecution for defending their lives! These bills must be roll-called!

House Bills 192 and 342 clarify hunting laws and make sure hunters don’t become accidental criminals. Both bills are on the consent calendar as Ought to Pass — make sure your legislator supports the Ought to Pass recommendation!

House Bill 145 has dangerous unintended consequences that would revoke Stand Your Ground protections in statute. The bill is on consent as Inexpedient to Legislate. Tell your legislator to support ITL on HB145.

See NHFC’s letter to legislators here!

For Liberty,

Hon. JR Hoell
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

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