We need to band together again because HB159, a rehash of last year’s HB1711, is back to challenge our Second Amendment rights. This bill threatens to allow the government to seize firearms based on mental health proceedings, and we cannot let it pass without a fight.
Here’s how you can help push back against this infringement:
📞 Call Representative Roy: Let Representative Roy know that HB159 is an unwelcome return of HB1711. Reach him at 603.239.3369 and express your opposition in a polite, clear, firm manner. (Call during normal hours between 9am and 8pm)
📅 Attend the Public Hearing: Join us at the hearing this Friday to oppose HB159. Your presence is crucial:
- Location: Legislative Office Building, Room 202-204
- Time: Friday, February 7 at 3:15pm
- Address: 33 N State St, Concord, NH 03301
Come prepared to speak out against the bill and show our collective strength.
🖥️ Sign in Opposition Online: If you can’t attend, you can still make your voice heard by registering your opposition on the New Hampshire General Court’s website:
Sign In Here: https://gc.nh.gov/house/committees/remotetestimony/default.aspx
✉️ Email the Committee: Send your opposition to the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee. Here’s a template you can use:
Subject: Oppose HB159 – A Repeat of HB1711
Dear Members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee,
I am deeply concerned about HB159, which seems to be a reintroduction of last year’s HB1711. This bill infringes on our Second Amendment rights by allowing firearm confiscation based on mental health proceedings without proper due process. It stigmatizes individuals seeking mental health support and sets a dangerous precedent for gun control.
Please vote NO on HB159 to protect the rights of New Hampshire citizens.
[Your Name]
Email the House Criminal Justice Committee here: housecrimjusticecmte@nhfc-ontarget.org
Or email the committee members individually:
Act now to ensure this bill doesn’t move forward. Your actions today are vital for protecting our freedoms for the future.
Thank you for standing with us against this repeat assault on our rights.
For Liberty,

JR Hoell, Secretary
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition