Urge State Reps to Defeat SB 244…

by NHFC, Inc. on April 29, 2014

We have been warning you about SB 244 since January.  The bill has been through the legislative process and is almost dead.  Even after the amended version passed the Senate, and many of the more overt anti-gun provisions were removed, we had concerns about the entire process.

The House Judiciary committee unanimously voted to kill the bill. However, under New Hampshire legislative procedures, the bill still must be killed, or voted Inexpedient to Legislate (ITL) by the entire House of Representatives.  It is scheduled for a vote this Wednesday, April 30.

The drafters of this bill didn’t really have legislative drafting skills. In addition to comical drafting errors, the bill’s process for restoring rights is overly complicated, difficult and will likely be expensive.

Strategically, the bill is like a fumbled football. There is too much danger, as House anti-gunners could seize it and turn it into an anti-gun vehicle.  Lets not take that risk.  We believe that after November, the General Court will be more pro-gun. We will then have an opportunity to consider restoration of rights and other pro-gun issues in a better environment.

ACTION ITEM: Please contact your Representative and ask him or her to follow the recommendation of the House Judiciary Committee and vote SB 244 ITL.

Click here for contact information for your State Representatives.

Please send a short email and urge your state representatives to follow the recommendation of the Judiciary Committee and vote SB 244 ITL.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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