Urge Senators to put a stop to Sen. Coburn’s Anti Gun Comrpomises

by NHFC, Inc. on February 27, 2013

In an about-face, Senator Tom Coburn, who was previously said to be close to a “deal” with Sen. Charles Schumer and others on a “lite” version of registering private gun sales, now says: “I don’t think we’re that close to a deal…” That is according to “Roll Call” on Sunday, suggesting your input is having an impact.

But is Coburn just trying to deflect you? Bloomberg News sees it differently:

New York Senator Chuck Schumer, a Democrat, and Republican Tom Coburn of Oklahoma have worked out 90 percent of their differences over a measure that would expand criminal background checks to most private sales of guns, according to two Senate aides who asked for anonymity to discuss the talks.”

So what this means is that The “Schumer / Coburn Sell-Out” would strip farmers and Americans in rural areas of their Second Amendment rights.  Sure, there is a possibility that Schumer will accept do-nothing language in the Brady Law protecting remote Alaskan villages.  But millions of Americans would still have to travel hundreds of miles (buyers and sellers would both need to go to the licensed dealer) in order to transfer a firearm to their next-door neighbor — hoping desperately that they’re not among the 6.2% of Americans who get a non-committal response from the FBI.

As a result, the main purpose of the “Schumer / Coburn Sell-Out” remains, and has always been, to “break the back of the gun … lobby” and to serve as a platform for the next round of gun control.

Either way, it is time to turn up the political pressure with a new round of calls to Congress saying: “No deals on background checks.”

Barack Obama has brought his left-wing supporters to bear on gun control by turning his campaign organization into “Organizing for Action,” using $100,000 to target 13 pro-gun legislators, and mobilizing MoveOn.org for Friday’s “National Day of Action.” In New York, the left even threatened to throw the head-banging thugs of the SEIU into the fray by sending them to a gun rights rally.

Moreover, it seems that whatever Twitter input Obama turned out was largely faked. In an article in “The Hill,” Texas Rep. Steve Stockman described how low Obama supporters are willing to stoop to attack your rights:

“Obama’s anti-gun campaign is a fraud,” Stockman said. “Obama’s supporters are panicking and willing to do anything to create the appearance of popular support, even if it means trying to defraud Congress … I call upon the president to denounce this phony spam campaign.”

Gun banners on the run? Turn up the heat!

Maybe Obama’s left-wingers are desperate, maybe not. Maybe Coburn, having “felt the heat,” is now “seeing the light.” Maybe not. Whatever the case, having once again seen Obama’s deceit, you must redouble your efforts!

Even if you made your “5 Phone Calls for Freedom” on Monday, call them again PLUS Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Sen. Tom Coburn, delivering the message below.
1.      Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: 202-224-3542
2.      Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: 202-224-2541
3.      House Speaker John Boehner: 202-225-0600
4.      Sen. Tom Coburn: 202-224-5754
5.      Senator Jeanne Shaheen at 202-224-2841;
6.      Senator Kelly Ayotte at 202-224-3324
7.      Your representative to the U.S. House. Click here to identify your US House representative, and then enter your zip code in the upper right corner of the page

1.      Gun owners, not Twitter fakes, are the real grassroots: Whatever their pathetically inflated numbers, Obama’s radicals do not speak for you.
2.      No deals on background checks, gun owner registration: These measures need to die. No “compromise” is possible.


The Washington Post reported that Sen. Ayotte was named 1 of 2 “counsels” to Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell.  You need to remind Sen. Ayotte that she is part of the Republican leadership and you are expecting her to make sure that NO REPUBLICANS support the Schumer / Coburn gun registration scheme.  Insist that she work hard to make sure that no Republicans support gun control. If Sen. Coburn wants to be an anti gun leader he should do it without the Republican support.

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