Urge House To Oppose HB246 – The Elder Abuse Gun Confiscation Bill!

by Kirk Beswick on January 29, 2021

Urge the House to OPPOSE HB246 – the Elder Abuse GUN CONFISCATION Bill
A Tuesday hearing on HB246 was recessed until February 8 at 1 pm – thanks to many of YOU showing up to testify!
The bill, if enacted, tramples on our rights. A simple accusation could make you a prohibited person under New Hampshire law, and could result in a surprise confiscation of your firearms with no due process!
Rep. Lucy Weber (D-Walpole) said the quiet part out loud Tuesday… “If the law errs on one side or another, I would hope that the law errs on the side of protecting the vulnerable adult and possibly overstepping on the rights of their abuser,” she told the committee.
Monday, February 8th, the Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs Committee will continue to hear testimony on this bill remotely. Contact the Committee TODAY and put the kibosh on this dangerous legislation.
You can attend this remote hearing without driving to Concord! The Committee will hear this bill at 1:00 pm on February 8 via Zoom. Please note that the public will NOT be allowed to attend in person.
We need you to testify at 1:00 pm on Feb. 8 in opposition to this bill remotely! Click here to join the committee hearing.
Please make every effort to ‘attend’ this hearing.
In 2019 and 2020 similar legislation was passed by the House and Senate but thankfully received much-needed vetoes by Governor Sununu.
We can NOT allow this bill to reach his desk again!
Check out our short Fact Sheet on Gun Confiscation Legislation and you will see how dangerous this bill is to our Second Amendment rights and our personal liberties!
Bottom line — this type of legislation allows people with a personal grievance to use the Government to take your firearms without due process. It must be stopped!
WE need you to make calls and emails in opposition.
First: Call the committee at 603-271-3589 and leave a polite message with the committee secretary for all of the committee members about your opposition to this bill.
Second: Call your own Representative (their info can be found here) and leave a message about your opposition to this bill. http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/members/default.aspx
Third:  Send in an email to the committee that this bill needs to be killed. Email HHSEA@leg.state.nh.us and put the bill number (HB-246) in the subject line of the email and ask them to Kill this bill.

The following email will be monitored throughout the meeting by someone who can assist with and alert the committee to any technical issues: hcs@leg.state.nh.us or call (603-271-3600).
For Liberty,

Kirk Beswick, President
New Hampshire Firearms Coalition

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