Updates on Constitutional Carry and Voting Gun Ban

by NHFC, Inc. on February 3, 2017

In case you missed Alan’s email here’s a recap.  On February 1, the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted 12-8 on the motion of “ought to pass” for SB 12, Constitutional Carry.  This means that SB 12 the Constitutional Carry bill now moves to the full House of Representatives for Consideration.  SB 12 will be considered by the full House of Representatives on Thursday, February 9.  It is not to soon to start contacting State Representatives and urging them to vote Yes on the expected motion of “ought to pass”.

Click here for contact information for all New Hampshire State Representatives.

Sample email to Representatives:

Dear Representative:

Please vote SB 12, Constitutional Carry “ought to pass” without any amendments.  This important legislation restores the Constitutional rights of New Hampshire citizens by removing the requirement to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun.  A person should not lose their Constitutional rights because they put on a coat and conceal a gun.

Thank you for your consideration.


Now the bad news:

Last week we told you about HB 350, the voting gun ban.

This dangerous bill makes it a Class B Felony to possess a firearm while voting.  That’s right, Rep. Wayne Burton equates carrying a gun with aggravated assault!  This is an outrage.

HB 350 was heard by the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee on January 24, 2017.  We learned today that an Executive Session has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 7.   Please click here to send an email to all members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee urging them to vote HB 350 Inexpedient to Legislate, (ITL).

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss
President – NHFC

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