UPDATE on HB 1589

by NHFC, Inc. on January 29, 2014

NHFC Vice President Scott Krauss and I have been warning you about HB 1589, “sell a gun to a friend go to jail”.  I want to take a few minutes to give you an update on the bill and to let you know how we are working hard to defeat it.

Yesterday, we expected the House Commerce and Consumer Affairs Committee to hold an “Executive Session” to either vote the bill “ought to pass” or “inexpedient to legislate”, (ITL).  But Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Butler decided to manipulate the proceedings in an attempt to salvage a very anti gun bill and silence to opposition.

My State House sources have told me that instead of calling the “Executive Session” to order, Rep. Butler announced that committee would not be voting on HB 1589 and would hold a sub-committee work session on Thursday, January 30 to study another amendment that was submitted.  He also said that the full committee would vote on HB 1589 on Tuesday, February 4.

Over the weekend, Scott explained that the first amendment proposed by Rep. Butler would commission a biased study of the gun registration bill and all firearms laws and violence in New Hampshire.  Most of the members of the study committee would be appointed by anti-gun House Speaker Terri Norelli.

The committee is likely to have determined its “recommendations” before the first hearing is even called to order.  The committee’s recommendations would be issued at the beginning of November.  This is an underhanded strategy to conceal the legislature’s support of gun control until after the election!

Taking a page out of the Obama/Hillary playbook (Benghazi!) the Concord anti-gunners don’t want you to know the truth about their intentions until after the next election!

We don’t even know what this supposed new amendment says!

Now, we are hearing that there is another proposed amendment but there are no copies available for public review.

Rep. Butler is likely pushing another anti-gun amendment. He is trying to do this in secret and hopes you won’t notice!

Once the Committee acts we will inform you about what they did and what our next move will be to protect your rights to sell, loan or give away any of your firearms.  Please watch your inbox!

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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