Update from Concord, action still needed…

by NHFC, Inc. on March 21, 2018

I am sending you a short note to let you know what happened in Concord last week and what I need your help with this week to keep our pro-gun momentum.

First, I am happy to report that the House of Representatives defeated CACR 19 by an almost 2 -1 vote.  Click here to see how your state representatives voted.  CACR 19, if passed by the General Court and the voters would have amended the New Hampshire Constitution and created “home rule” and allowed cities and towns to enact local gun bans.

Even though Tuesday was a snowy day, NHFC Corporate Secretary, Rep. JR Hoell and I attended the Senate Education Committee hearing on the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban.  We made it as clear as we could to the Committee that someone who is determined to commit murder will not be deterred in the slightest by a school rule that says no guns are allowed.   I also explained that armed self defense works.  A few days after the hearing the Union Leader reported that the proposed amendment was defeated on a 3-2 vote.  And you may have even heard about the hearing on NHPR or viewed it on WMUR.

While all NHFC Members and Supporters deserve a pat on the back and a heartfelt thank you for your activism, our struggle is not over.  I heard that Senator Hennessey has vowed a “floor fight” to get her gun and self defense ban adopted.  So, to make sure that the vote by the Senate Education Committee is upheld by the full Senate, I need you to contact your own Senators and urge them to reject the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban.

Click here to find out who your own Senators are and how to contact them.

Please send use this pre-written message to let your Senators know we want the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban defeated.  We should not make New Hampshire schools free fire zones for murderers.  Responsible adults should be allowed to make their own self defense choices.  Please send this pre-written email today, don’t wait:

Dear Senators,

Please vote NO on Senator Hennessey’s amendment allowing local school boards to ban guns.  This amendment was rejected by the Senate Education Committee and appears to have been offered in response to the murders in Florida.  Those murders were a direct result of Florida’s self defense gun ban and law enforcement’s failure to act; the murders were also a result of cowardice by some Deputy Sheriff’s.  We do not have a problem in New Hampshire schools precisely because we allow law abiding adults to carry guns. A would be murderer does not know if his intended victims are armed and able to fight back.  That is a powerful deterrent.  Please do not act on emotion, but rather on facts, and the facts are that guns, in the hands of law abiding people, save lives.  Furthermore, every violent criminal shooting has occurred in places where guns are banned.  Don’t let the criminals win, please vote NO on the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban!

Thank you,

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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