Two gun bans up for hearings this week…

by NHFC, Inc. on January 23, 2018

This week 2 anti-gun bills will be given public hearings in Concord.  First, on Wednesday, January 24 at 10AM, HB 1438 will be heard by the House Judiciary Committee .  This bill was introduced by Rep. Jan Schmidt (D-Hillsborough 28) will allow landlords to include language in leases to prohibit renters from owning or possessing firearms.  People who rent, instead of own their place residence, should not lose their Second Amendment civil rights.

It seems relatively simple to me.  However, some people like to believe that the private property rights of landlords seem to outweigh the Second Amendment rights of tenants.  The reality is that some people cannot afford to move when their lease is up for renewal.  Many simply prefer to renew their lease but may be forced to move if the renewed lease prohibits gun ownership.  I’ll make this as clear as I can, gun ownership is a perfectly legal activity and if landlords are permitted to forcibly disarm tenants what will be next?  Interracial families?  Blended families?  Legal immigrants?  As far as I am concerned, the fair housing laws should cover this, perhaps Rep. Schmidt knows this which is why she is sponsoring a bill to allow gun bans.

Even if you do not rent your place of residence this should concern you and you should click here to contact the House Judiciary Committee to oppose HB 1438.  If you prefer to contact each member individually, click here for the Committee Members list.  Please don’t delay.

On Thursday, January 25 at 120 PM, SB 492, the Woodburn semi-auto ban will have a public hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.As written, SB 492 will ban the manufacture, sale, ownership and use of:

A manual or power-driven trigger activating device constructed and designed so that when attached to a semiautomatic firearm it increases the rate of fire of that firearm.

So what is this?  Well, first of all you need to know that a semi-automatic firearm only fires one cartridge for a single pull of the trigger.  The trigger must be released and pressed again to discharge another cartridge.  Unlike machineguns, semi-automatic firearms do NOT have a stated cyclic rate.  That is, they do not have a rounds per minute specification.  The speed with which a so called “bump stock” equipped firearm can be fired will differ between different shooters who have different skill levels.  This is precisely because the firearm is only discharging one cartridge per single pull of the trigger.  This is the textbook definition of a SEMI-automatic. These firearms hating legislators are focusing on banning something, anything, especially in an election year.  We are counting on you, the grassroots gun owner to help us stop them!

SB 492 allows Senator Woodburn and his gun banning friends to ban all semi-automatic firearms and accesories without actually saying so, because saying he is banning guns would probably lead to widespread opposition within Senate District 1. 

One of the key principles that NHFC has always maintained is that gun control (including controls on parts and accessories) is worthless for stopping, or even lowering, crime (just look at Chicago).  Gun control only infringes on the rights, safety, and security of good people, while handing a major tactical advantage to criminals or empowering political tyrants who wish to dominate a society.  I ask, when did a criminal ever say “Oh I can’t use that gun to go commit a crime, the trigger is modified and that is illegal”?  Senator Woodburn and his cabel of cosponsors probably know this but they hate firearms and the people who own them so much that they are attempting a backdoor ban on semi-autos.

In short, Senator Woodburn is perfectly happy to put you in jail for a possessory only offense.  No other action needs to occur for a person to be charged under the Woodburn semi-auto ban.  That’s right, no assault, no one needs to be shot, the only crime created by SB 492 is a possessory only offense.  I fail to understand how that will make anyone safer.

Here is what you can do to help.  If you can, please attend the public hearing on January 25, in Statehouse Room 100.  You do not need to speak, just sign the form opposing SB 492.  Even if you plan to attend the hearing, please call or email ALL members of the Senate Judiciary Committee to let them know that you are opposed to SB 492. Here is the list:

Chair – Senator Sharon Carson, Phone 603-271-1403 Click here to send an email
Vice Chair Senator Bette R. Lasky, Phone: 603-271-3093 Click here to send an email
Senator Harold French, Phone: 603-271-4063 Click here to send an email
Senator William Gannon, Phone: 603-271-7803 Click here to send an email (Aide):
Senator Martha Hennessey, Phone: 603-271-3067 Click here to send an email

Please do not wait, these legislators need to hear from you now.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice

President – NHFC, Inc.
PS: You might recall that I wrote to you about a terrible anti-gun bill, SB 500 which was introduced by Senator Kevin Avard (R-12) and Senator Jeb Bradley (R-3).  Sadly, these 2 Senators ignored your calls and emails and have refused to withdraw SB 500.  Therefore, we must focus our calls and emails on the Senate Judiciary Committee.  Click here for contact information for all Judiciary Committee members.

SAMPLE EMAIL:  Please vote SB 500 Inexpedient to Legislate. This is an anti-gun bill that will greatly harm New Hampshire firearms owners by using the federal definition of a firearm as well as making tinkering changes to R.S.A. 207:7 regarding carrying arms in vehicles.  The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition told me that we can follow federal law without making it part of New Hampshire law and creating new regulations on frames, receivers and sound suppressors.  Please vote SB 500 ITL.

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