The start of Legislative Season

by NHFC, Inc. on December 18, 2017

As we enjoy the holiday season, anti-gun politicians in Concord are plotting to take away your civil right to be armed.

The text of many of the 2018 bills is now available and I’ll be frank, we are very concerned.  We are coming under attack.  As you probably know, the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition has always felt that our strength is you, the grassroots gun owner.  We feel that if we keep you informed about what is happening in Concord, you will contact State Representatives and Senators and demand that they stand up for the Second Amendment.

Today I want to talk about a two really bad anti-gun bills that we will need to fight when the legislature starts its session in January.

HB 1566, introduced by Rep. Delmar Burridge (D-Cheshire 16) will ban the carrying of firearms in many areas of the state.  HB 1566 is a frontal assault on your right to bear arms.   Rep. Burridge is not being bashful about his true intentions, he is actually being quite transparent by showing his desire to ban the carrying of firearms.

Not to be out done, anti-gun Rep. Timothy Horrigan (D-Strafford 6) has introduced HB 1406 which will void your concealed carry license if you change your city or town of residence.  Currently, licensees can simply provide written notification to the issuing authority in their new town of residence and the license remains valid until its original expiration date.  But Rep. Horrigan didn’t stop there, HB 1406 will also reduce the term of validity of a license from not less than 5 years to not less than 3 years which represents a whopping 40% reduction in the term of validity of a pistol / revolver license.  HB 1406 is a mean and vindictive attempt to penalize firearms owners and was probably introduced in retaliation for the enactment of Constitutional Carry.

We still have several bills to review and I will send another email in a few days to inform and educate you about other anti-gun bills as well as a few bills that are intended to curtail the abuses at the anti-gun Fish and Game Department.  When public hearings begin in January, we will need some help.  We will be counting on you to both contact State Reps and attend the public hearings to show your opposition to the bad bills and support for the good ones.

If you are an NHFC member, you will shortly receive a paper renewal letter in the mail.  Please consider renewing now by clicking here.  Its quick and easy to renew your membership online and you won’t have to worry about forgetting to renew or misplacing the paperwork.  If you renew online we will send you a new membership card by return mail.  If you have been receiving our alerts and find them helpful but are not an NHFC member please consider joining New Hampshire’s only no compromise firearms civil rights organization by clicking here.  NHFC is 100% volunteer with low overhead and no paid staff.  We use your membership dues to pay for mailings to stop anti-gun legislation and to hopefully, enact pro-gun reform legislation.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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