The real truth behind the “marches”

by NHFC, Inc. on March 26, 2018

We have been asked to comment on yesterday’s so called “student led marches for gun control” which occurred across the country.  First, you should know that these protests are far from the simple, grassroots teenager led movement that the mainstream media wants to you think they are.  These marches are funded and led by anti-gun billionaires and millionaires.  For example, in spite of the fact that many football fans are also Second Amendment advocates, Robert Kraft, the anti-gun owner of the New England Patriots donated the use of the team’s private plane to transport the Florida protesters to Washington, DC.

Every gun control organization in America, large and small, national and local, was backing these so called marches.  And a new anti-gun organization seems to have been formed by a wealthy Florida resident named Al Hoffman.

If you still think this is a simple student led grassroots protest consider that Delta Airlines donated the use of three jets to transport some protestors to Washington DC — free of charge.  The reality is that it is virtually impossible for teenagers to pick up the phone, contact Delta and receive the use of jumbo jets.  What is more likely is that the teenagers were assisted by highly organized gun control organizations.  Organizations that, after each and every tragedy involving a firearm roll out the same tired gun ban proposals.  This is not about safety, or restricting access to firearms by convicted criminals.  These organizations support magazine capacity restrictions, bans and confiscation of certain types of firearms, and when restrictions don’t work, they call for even more restrictions on law abiding people who have not done anything wrong.

You and I both know that further gun control, will not make anyone safer; it will lead to more victim rich environments and violence.  Armed self defense worked in Texas and it can work anywhere.

The professional anti-gun activists who orchestrated these marches, do not believe that you have a right to carry a gun for self defense.  What is even more frightening is that these gun ban activists fail to grasp the simple fact that a person who is determined to commit murder will not obey a law that says: “no guns allowed in schools”.

Still have doubts about their true agenda?  Click here to read some of their “model laws”.

Now, lets consider the real facts, the murders in 1999, at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado happened during the 10 year ban on so called “assault weapons”, the murders at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and the Pulse Nightclub occurred in two of the many places in Florida that are off limits to legally carried guns, the murders at the Aurora Colorado Movie Theater also occurred in a gun free zone.  However, a brave School Resource Officer in St. Mary’s County Maryland stopped a violent school shooter before he could do more harm.  Armed self defense works.

Think this can’t happen here?  The Vermont House of Representatives passed a magazine ban last week.

On a final note, I think I have outlined pretty clearly who the enemies of freedom are.  However if you read the Union Leader you may have seen the attacks on NHFC’s no compromise position on the Second Amendment.  NHFC and our members truly support your civil right to keep and bear arms; but there are some who would rather spend time on personal attacks and distracting us from protecting your rights than actually helping us in the fight.

I have to admit, it gives me great pause when we are watching national anti-gun activism at a new level and at the same time, some groups who self identify as firearms advocacy organizations are spending time and effort attacking your NHFC.  I think it is critical, now, more than ever, that we keep our eyes on these new and increasing threats and focus all of our efforts on defeating the anti-gun activism that is before us.

I have some news, for those who want to stand in the way of NHFC’s highly effective, principled stance on protecting the civil rights of the firearms owners in New Hampshire: NHFC will not be silenced.

If you have never told your friends and family about NHFC, forwarding this alert would be a terrific way to get them involved in the struggle to protect our rights.  Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

JR Hoell
Corporate Secretary – NHFC, Inc.

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