Emailed to our members on 07/19/2019
We have just heard from the Secretary of State’s office and the first of the anti-gun bills has been dropped off at the Governor’s office.
Please take the time to make one more call (603-271-2121) to request that the Governor protect our Natural and Constitutional rights. Let his office know, that THIS Legislature drafted and passed some of the most EXTREME anti-gun legislation ever seen in New Hampshire.
Politely ask that our Governor stand up and protect our rights by vetoing all four anti-gun bills.
Also call or text one or more of your Pro-Second Amendment friends, share what is going on and ask them to call the Governor’s office. I would also ask that you share this link so they can sign up for our alerts. NHFirearms.Org
There are still 2017 Constitutional Carry bumper stickers left to send out! If you call Governor Sununu today, we can send out one of these Constitutional Carry bumper stickers to you next week. The bumper stickers look great on gun cases and safes. This is a great way to commemorate the historic effort by many citizens and our Governor to restore our rights.
Here is a list of bills that need to be vetoed by the Governor. Call his office at 603-271-2121
HB 109, Sell a gun to a friend and go to jail;
HB 514, Buy a gun, go home without it,
HB 564, Criminal safe schools;
HB 696, Elder care gun confiscation.
Please let your friends know that the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition still has a few remaining Constitutional Carry bumper stickers that they can have for free for just calling the Governors office and asking Gov. Sununu to veto all four anti-gun bills.
Call to Action:
1. Call the Governor’s office at 271-2121, ask him to veto all 4 anti-gun bills ( HB109, HB514, HB564 and HB696).
Click to receive your free Constitutional Carry bumper sticker after you have called.
In liberty,
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*Supplies limited to the first few hundred gun owners that respond.