Anti gun leadership is working to pass a new gun ban – SB 244 – IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED!

by NHFC, Inc. on January 12, 2014

After I sent you my last alert on SB 244, a bill which will strip the Second Amendment rights away from thousands of Granite Staters, I learned that anti-gun activists are working overtime to lie about what the bill does and persuade the Senate Judiciary Committee to pass the bill.

One anti gun organization is even claiming that: “It [SB 244] does not create disqualifiers — those laws are already in place — and opposing this bill because you don’t like the existing federal disqualifiers does not make them go away.”

You see, while the disqualifiers are currently in federal law, it is the states and their 50 different criminal justice systems and mental health systems that determine if a person’s name is submitted to the NICS database. Those determinations are made based upon an individual state’s definition of mentally incompetent or similar.  Click here to see how you can help.

Even if you go to a private shrink and that shrink thinks you are “incompetent” or “violent” or “unable to manage your own affairs” then guess what, the shrink can involuntary commit you to a mental institution.  That standard, contained at RSA 135C:34, which is explicitly incorporated by SB 244, is applicable to an involuntary commitment without a court order under RSA 135C-27.  This is known as an involuntary emergency admission or IEA.

We at NHFC don’t think that shrinks are very good at predicting future behavior.  Not surprisingly, most anti gun activists are comfortable with the idea that shrinks can predict behavior.

So, as we said, see a shrink, lose your guns.

Then there are the Alzheimer’s patients who may or may not be capable of managing their own affairs. But consider this:

No one has been able to identify any “danger of gun violence” posed by people with Alzheimer’s, many of them do have very large and valuable gun collections which they would like to pass on to their children. Under SB 244 those family heirlooms could be forfeited to the state!

The anti gun leadership is also claiming that an FFL can lose his dealers license if he sells a firearm to someone who is prohibited but is not on the NICS blacklist of prohibited persons.

This is both a scare tactic and simply not true. If a person is not listed in NICS as a “prohibited person”, then they are probably not prohibited from lawfully owning firearms. But even if there is an error or omission in the NICS database, the dealer would NOT lose his FFL because the violation MUST BE MADE KNOWINGLY!  If the dealer has the buyer complete a form 4473 and he makes the call to the NICS system all that dealer did was knowingly comply with the law!

But it gets even worse.  Our state house sources have also told me that the anti gun lobbyists are planing to offer an amendment in an attempt to disguise the more sinister provisions of SB 244.

The anti gun sell out amendment:

Makes a few small changes to the procedure for restoring the rights which SB 244 unconstitutionally takes away;

The sell out amendment does NOT:

Reverse provisions in SB 244 which will strip tens of thousands of Granite Staters of their Consitutional rights without due process.

ACTION ITEMS:  In the face of aggressive anti gun lobbying and lies we need to show up at the State House, Room 100, Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, January 14, at 9:00.  Sign up to testify against Senate Bill 244.

Call and email Senator Carson, Chairman of the NH Senate Judiciary Committee as well as all members of the Judiciary Committee and demand that this bill be voted “inexpedient to legislate”

New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee:
Chair Senator Sharon Carson: (603) 434-2489, click here to email Senator Carson

Vice Chair Senator Bette Lasky: (603) 888-5557 or (603) 315-1924, click here to email Senator Lasky

Senator David Boutin: (603) 203-5391 click here to email Senator Boutin or here for another email.
Senator Sam Cataldo: (603) 859-1089 click here to email Senator Cataldo
Senator Donna Soucy: (603) 271-4151 click here to email Senator Soucy

You should also call Senator David Watters and tell him to stop trying to take away the Second Amendment rights of people who have not done anything wrong.

Senator David Watters: (603) 969-9224 or click here to email Senator Watters.

The co-sponsor is Representative Jeffrey Goley.  You should call him at: (603)626-6659 and email him and demand that he stop trying to disarm people who have not done anything wrong!

And remember, as we have reported with the new Obamacare databases and coercion of all doctors to send patient lists to the government; if you go to a shrink, for any reason, you are placing your freedom and your valuable gun collection and your right to ever own a gun at risk!

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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