Senators Sold You Out

by President on January 27, 2012

I have some disappointing news to report.

After the hearing on our bill to strengthen Preemption (HB 334), the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to recommend our bill be sent to “interim study”.  You and I both know that “study” is a polite way of killing the bill.

I told you Tuesday that I was afraid some of the Senators were wavering on supporting preemption.

Unfortunately my fears proved correct.  Despite making a written promise to you in their New Hampshire Firearms Coalition candidate survey to support strengthening NH’s Preemption Law, Senators Jim Luther and Fenton Groen sided with the bureaucrats to vote to kill this important bill.

They voted to continue to let un-elected bureaucrats across the Granite State to disarm you at a whim.

What is more, I have received word they are going to sell you out again when it comes time to vote on Constitutional Carry.  My sources are telling me they plan to significantly gut Constitutional Carry, (HB 536).

Call or email Senators Fenton Groen (603) 817-9352 / and Jim Luther (603) 465-3471 /, let them know how disappointed you are that they broke their promise to you so they could side with anti-gun bureaucrats.

When they were seeking your vote, they promised they would support your right to bear arms, and prevent gun-grabbing bureaucrats from disarming you.

But, when push came to shove they deserted us.

On top of that, despite promising to repeal the ban on having a loaded long-gun in your vehicle, they caved under pressure from Law-enforcement and voted to kill a bill that would have done just that.

After they have broken their promises on both these bills, I know I cannot count on them to do the right thing and support Constitutional Carry without amendment.

While the vote on preemption still must be approved by the full Senate, I am concerned that unless we put the pressure on Senators Groen and Luther right away, Constitutional Carry will suffer a similar fate.

Please call or email Senators Fenton Groen (603) 817-9352 / and Jim Luther (603) 465-3471 /, tell them how disappointed you are to learn that their word means nothing.  Tell them you expect them to do the right thing when they vote on Constitutional Carry.

If you and I allow this betrayal to go unchallenged, our chance at passing Constitutional Carry will go right out the window.

The Senate Committee could vote at any time, and that is why I need you to act right now.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

P.S. Senators Fenton Groen and Jim Luther need to know that their betrayal of firearms owners so that they could appease gun-grabbing bureaucrats and law enforcement has not gone unnoticed.

Call or email Senators Groen (603)  / and Luther (603) 465-3471 / and let them know that you are upset at their betrayal and that they need to do the right thing and pass Constitutional Carry without amendment.

P.P.S. The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible — please consider contributing to the effort by chipping in $15 or $20.

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