Call or e-mail your Senator- TODAY – and urge them to vote to enact House Bill 31. HB31 repeals RSA 159:16, which criminalizes possessing or carrying a blackjack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles. The Senate will vote on this bill on Thursday 5/4 and they currently plan to kill this legislation. Your efforts could help pass this legislation. There is a sample email at the bottom of the page and a link to find your Senator. No one law-abiding should face criminal charges simply if s/he owns/carries these self-defense tools. Bans on possession of weapons by the law-abiding have no place in New Hampshire. The reason: New Hampshire residents are provably very law-abiding. Since 2001 – apart from one year (2015) – New Hampshire has been among the three safest states in the Union!! (See: FBI, Crime in the United States, 2001-20, usually Table 4). In New Hampshire, murders are so infrequent, that the Attorney-General handles such prosecutions!! Further, after ending required licensing for concealed carry of pistols/revolvers (2017), New Hampshire replaced Vermont as the second-safest state!! With such strong proof that New Hampshire’s residents are quite law-abiding, there’s simply no reason why any reasonable person should vote against HB31!! Many New Hampshire residents daily carry concealed firearms and/or knives. It is absurd to forbid the owning/carrying of far less-lethal weapons. That criminals sometimes abuse these self-defense tools does not justify denying these tools to the law-abiding. The doings and criminals and lunatics should never set the standard, by which the vast, law-abiding majority are regulated. Call your Senator TODAY! Urge them to vote that HB31 be enacted into law! You can look up your Senator here and send them this simple message: “Prohibiting the simple ownership of antique self-protection devices is unconstitutional. There are already laws in place to deal with people who misuse any weapon. Tell your senator TODAY that it is YOUR RIGHT to be able to own these items, and for New Hampshire businesses to be able to sell them. Pass HB31 and repeal the unconstitutional prohibition!” |
For Liberty,![]() JR Hoell, Secretary New Hampshire Firearms Coalition |