Sen. Woodburn trying stop Constitutional Carry…

by NHFC, Inc. on September 15, 2015

Did you see Scott’s email last week?  If not I have included it below in case you missed it.

NHFC’s State House sources have told me that Senator Jeff Woodburn, (District 1, Democrat) is demanding that his caucus vote in unison to support Governor Hassan’s veto of SB 116, Constitutional Carry.

Senator Woodburn is very aware of the history surrounding the establishment of this legislation.  He knows that the state enacted this legislation to prohibit the Amoskeag Mill employees from carrying firearms after the 1922 strike.  Senator Woodburn is also aware of the current gender bias that women face when they are forced to beg permission from a Chief of Police to carry a concealed firearm for personal protection.  Yet it seems he does not care!

It seems that the party which claims to be “champions of women’s rights” are just fine with women being attacked and not able to defend themselves. Senator Woodburn’s party also claims to be the saviors of minorities yet they are willing to ignore the racist roots of New Hampshire’s concealed carry law.

Senator Woodburn should know better, but it seems from his actions that he would rather protect the Governor than allow members of his caucus to do the right thing and enact SB 116 into law.

SB 116 is very important self defense legislation.  Senator Woodburn’s behavior is an outrage.  Senators have a moral and ethical obligation to vote for or against legislation based upon the wishes of their constituents, the people who elected them, not the views of some other senator who has no idea about their districts or beliefs.

Here’s how you can help:

Contact Senator Woodburn the State Senate Minority Leader and demand that he allow members of his caucus to vote their conscience.  Remember to be polite but firm when you tell him that his behavior mirrors that of a third world dictator.  Ask him why he is afraid to allow New Hampshire residents to carry firearms free from government permission slips like residents of Maine, Vermont and 5 other states do?

It is important the you contact Senator Woodburn at both is home and Senate Office phones and emails.  We must make sure he receives our message.
524 Faraway Road
Dalton, NH 03598

Jeff Woodburn (d)
State House
Room 120
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301

In Liberty,

Alan M. Rice
Training Director – NHFC

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