See a shrink — lose your guns — Action needed ASAP!!!

by NHFC, Inc. on January 10, 2014

I recently warned you that ex-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg would try to ban guns in New Hampshire.  Well, I was right and it is starting on Tuesday, January 14, at 9AM in the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The anti-gun bill they have selected is Senate Bill 244, sponsored by anti-gun state Senator Watters.  The gun ban crowd is claiming this will keep those with so called mental health issues from obtaining firearms. Sadly, SB244 will keep many people who have done nothing wrong from exercising their Second Amendment rights.  Click here to help!

The Watters bill would require that the names of large numbers of Granite Staters be sent to the FBI gun-ban blacklist — the NICS instant check system.

Up until now, New Hampshire has been reluctant to send these names to NICS because of medical privacy concerns and potential violations of federal privacy regulations under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).  Mike Hammond a resident of Dunbarton, NH and General Counsel to Gun Owners of America wrote that if you see a shrink you will lose your Second Amendment rights.

NH Senate Bill 244 would set aside any personal privacy considerations.

Senate Bill 244 would strip law-abiding Granite Staters of their constitutional rights, without due process, for petty reasons, such as the appointment of a guardian under RSA 464-A.  Click here to help!

Although RSA 464-A purports to give “victims” due process rights, it is, in fact, widely viewed in legal circles as a joke.

An individual who has his or her rights taken away pursuant to RSA 464-A supposedly has the right to an attorney, but, in fact, that right is regularly waived, even for people deemed incompetent (who wouldn’t seem to be capable of waiving their rights).

The proceeding is an ex parte proceeding in which neither the victim or his or her family has any representation or right to attend.  It is conducted in places like the basement of Concord Hospital, and is widely viewed in legal circles as a “star chamber” or a “joke.”

Now, on the basis of this “kangaroo court,” you or your relatives could lose all of your gun rights.  And guess what?  If you want to get them back, you will have to plunk down thousands of dollars and bring an action in court.

We know one person who spent over five thousand dollars just to terminate his mother’s involuntary guardianship.

It’s bad enough that anti-family bureaucrats are stripping Granite Staters of their rights without due process.  We don’t need to extend this constitutional abomination to abolishing gun rights protected by the Second Amendment.

ACTION ITEMS:  Show up at the State House, Room 100, Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, January 14, at 9:00.  Sign up to testify against Senate Bill 244.

Call and email Senator Carson, Chairman of the NH Senate Judiciary Committee as well as all members of the Judiciary Committee and demand that this bill be voted “inexpedient to legislate”

New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee:

You should also call Senator David Watters and tell him to stop trying to take away the Second Amendment rights of people who have not done anything wrong.

Anti-gunners are on a witch hunt and if the accusing finger is pointed at you, this law will burn you at the stake. Don’t be fooled! This bill is all about taking power and control away from the New Hampshire citizen and has nothing to do with ‘gun safety’!

Share this alert with your friends and neighbors.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,
Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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