Scott Brown, Eric Holder and Barack Obama…

by NHFC, Inc. on April 14, 2014

Last week we told you about Scott Brown’s insidious relationship with Global Digital Solutions.

We explained that the former Massachusetts Senator is an advisor to a firm that is trying to force feed unreliable computerized guns onto the American people.  This fits neatly with the Obama – Holder gun control scheme.

Earlier this month, when Attorney General Eric Holder testified before Congress and submitted his budget requests, he asked Congress to help fund so-called “smart gun” technology.  The same type of technology that is being pushed by Scott Brown and Global Digital Solutions.

What a neat little arrangement for the gun ban crowd.  If Scott Brown gets elected Global Digital Solutions will probably have a rain maker in Congress to push their dangerous idea.  Will Scott Brown help Global Digital Solutions to earn a handsome profit?  Will Scott Brown ensure the Obama-Holder anti-gun agenda lives on even after Barack Obama is no longer President?

Currently, there are no such guns on the market in the United States.  One gun store did briefly offer an Armatix .22 caliber earlier this year, but public outrage forced them to pull the handgun from the shelves.

However, if Global Digital Solutions is successful with its bid to buy Freedom Group that could all change.

Even police have rejected the “dumb gun” approach for themselves.

And Brown’s candidacy is being pushed by some big name Republicans in New Hampshire, like Former Governor John Sununu who introduced Brown at his campaign kick off, former New Hampshire House Speaker Bill O’Brien and Jennifer Horn who is the NHGOP chair and does not seem interested in what type of candidate runs as a republican as long as they have an “R” on their chest.  They just want a win! The partisans are willing to give up on principles to get it.  This is not acceptable!  Especially since they have a platform that clearly supports the individual right to bear arms without government interference.

Please call and email New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Jennifer Horn and explain to her that as party Chairman she has a duty and an obligation to enforce the party platform.  Tell Ms. Horn to stop supporting anti-gun Scott Brown. (603) 440-3070 or

Tell Ms. Horn that you will not donate to or support a party that supports gun ban candidates.  Tell her that you will donate to the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition instead.

If you receive any responses from Jennifer Horn or anyone else please forward them to NHFC at:

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Jonathan R. Evans, Esq.
President – NHFC

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