Republicans: friend or foe to gun owners?

by NHFC, Inc. on March 14, 2018

We have a problem!  Yesterday, Governor Sununu announced his School Safety Preparedness Taskforce.  I’ll be blunt, I am very concerned about this task force.

You see, the task force is made up of many different people but it does not include a single member who represents the interests of firearms owners.  We don’t know about all of these people, but we do know that Chief Paul Dean of the UNH Police Department has come before the legislature to advocate for gun control.  There is even a teacher, a school superintendent and a mental health advocate.  The Task Force also includes former WMUR reporter Tiffany Eddy who the Governor lists as “a parent from Dunbarton”.  I’m sure these people all have ideas regarding school safety and maybe even some of them are good ideas.  But sadly, Governor Sununu did not include anyone who represents the interests of firearms owners.

What is even more concerning to me is that last week, the Republican State Committee unveiled a new website where they claim to be the best friends that firearms owners have ever had.  In reality the website is a wolf in sheeps clothing fundraising tool.  When I saw the website, I had a conversation with State Chair Jeanie Forrester.  She told me that the Republican State Committee will support any Republican candidate.  Ms. Forrester said they do not have a litmus test, other than to support Republicans.  So, anyone who is a Republican, even those who vote for gun control, or those few Republicans who voted against Constitutional Carry, SB 12, or those who voted to suspend house rules to allow Democrats to introduce new gun bans, will all have the State Committee’s support.  It is pretty clear (to me at least) that anyone who donates will have their money used to elect any Republican, including those few anti-gun republicans along with some who might sometimes support your civil right to be armed. Ms. Forrester also told me the party will not support primary challenges to anti-gun incumbent Republican office holders.  The fact is that no political party will ever unconditionally support your civil right to keep and bear arms.

The website is up and raising money while our Republican governor has set up a commission that looks like it is stacked against gun owners and three Republicans have sponsored HB 1463, the 2018 Range Closure Act.  And in Washington, DC, US House Speaker Paul Ryan and his team are working hard to stop the hearing protection act. But that’s not all, it looks like Republicans will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and fail to enact nationwide concealed carry reciprocity, a bill that has 213 co-sponsors.  HR 38, Nationwide Carry is critical to anyone who resides in Southern New Hampshire because they could easily travel into Massachusetts and be arrested for mere gun possession.  Worse yet, they are even considering gun control.  In the Senate, Senator John Cornyn recently partnered with notoriously anti-gun Senators Schumer, Feinstein and Jeanne Shaheen to sponsor gun control.  Click here for more from Gun Owners of America.

Here is what you can do to help:

First, Call Governor Sununu’s Office, thank him for standing with gun owners last year and signing SB 12, Constitutional Carry into law and politely ask that an advocate of firearms owners civil rights be placed on the School Safety Preparedness Taskforce without any delay.  The Governor’s phone number is: (603) 271-2121  or you can click here to send an email.

After that I would like you to call the Republican State Committee and ask to leave a message for State Chair Jeanie Forrester and politely let her know that you are concerned that your donations might be used to elect anti-gun Republicans and you expect the party to enforce the party platform and actively recruit candidates to oppose anti-gun republicans in primary elections.  Please also let them know that as a firearms owner you will not be taken for granted and will not blindly support Republicans unless Republicans unconditionally support your civil right to be armed.  Please remind these partisans that every year, third party candidates run for office in New Hampshire, most of these candidates support your civil right to be armed.  (603) 225-9341.  If you prefer, you can send an email to the State Committee.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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