Republicans and Democrats trying to ban guns…

by NHFC, Inc. on May 24, 2018

WMUR recently reported that Democrats and Republicans are BOTH trying to pass anti gun legislation and take away your civil right to be armed.  Senator Martha Hennessey is continuing to push for an absolute and total ban on carrying guns in New Hampshire schools.  Just so we understand how dangerous this proposal is, Florida has such a school gun ban and it cost lives.  No one was able to fight back against the murderer in Parkland.  The Hennessey proposal was soundly defeated earlier this year but she is not giving up.  Not to be outdone, longtime anti-gun activist, Rep. Katherine Rogers wants to put you in jail for selling or giving a gun to a friend or family member.  This to, has been soundly rejected in the past.

And of course, anti-gun Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley wants to pass a law allowing gun confiscation based on mere suspicion or even lies by family members or neighbors.  We have previously reported on this bad idea as well.
When I speak with gun owners, many tell me that this is New Hampshire and we have nothing to worry about.  And still others, who have moved here from anti-gun states like New York or Massachusetts tell me that we should just make a deal and these people will be satisfied and will leave us alone.
Sadly, we have a lot to worry about.  We are in the Northeastern United States and that means we are always one election cycle away from the enactment of New York or Massachusetts style gun control.
I’ll be perfectly clear: We don’t make deals on Constitutionally protected civil rights.  Those states are anti-gun precisely because gun owners have made deals.  NHFC will not accept even one word of gun control. We will continue to pursue our 100% no compromise position.
It is time to be blunt:  We need your help and we need it NOW!  NHFC is an all volunteer organization and all money raised is used to directly fight these sort of anti-gun proposals.
If you are an NHFC Member, thank you!  If you have been a member in the past but let your membership lapse, please consider re-joining.  If you agree with our 100% pro-gun no compromise position please ask your friends and family members to become NHFC Members.

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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