Report from Concord, action needed…

by NHFC, Inc. on February 17, 2019

I want to apologize up front for sending you such a long email; but I have a lot to report because this was a busy week at the Statehouse.   Please scroll all the way to the bottom, there are three action items!

I want to thank all of the patriots who came to Concord to fight for our Second Amendment rights this week.  We had a terrific turnout and the committees know that we are not going to allow them to take our freedoms without a fight!

On Wednesday, February 13, the House Education Committee held public hearings on two gun free (criminal safe) schools bills.  I am proud that NHFC was well represented by our Corporate Secretary JR Hoell and one of our advisors, former State Representative Dan Itse.  I testified on behalf of our national partners, Gun Owners of America.

What is truly amazing is that the supporters of criminal safe schools really believe that a law and a sign will stop a murderer.  One person even said that HB 564 will allow school officials to call the police if they see a gun.  They sure will and an otherwise law abiding person will be arrested for a possessory offense.  A murderer will probably come in and just start shooting.  This is what happened at every tragedy that has taken place in gun free zones.

Of course, HB 101 is just as bad because it allows local school boards to ban guns instead of the State of New Hampshire.  A gun ban is a gun and must be stopped.

Later in the day on February 13, we testified before the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee in opposition to HB 109, (sell a gun to a friend and go to jail) and HB 514 (wait up to eleven days to bring your new gun and ammunition home).

Please click here to read our detailed alert on these anti-gun anti freedom bills.  Both committees are scheduled to vote on these bills this week.  Then, please scroll down for instructions on how to email the committees to express your opposition to these anti-gun bills.  Or, feel free to use our pre-written messages to both committees.

Pre-written message to: HouseEducationCommittee@leg.state.nh.usDear Representatives:

The public hearings on February 13 revealed how naive the supporters of HB 101 and HB 564 really are.  Many testified that if you enact this law it will make our children and our schools safer.  It is absurd to think that a murderer will be stopped by a law and a sign.  All of the recent tragedies occurred in gun free zones.  Until now, New Hampshire has not suffered such a tragedy because we do not have very many gun free zones and thus allow otherwise law abiding adults to carry self defense firearms.  Please, vote HB 101 and HB 564 “inexpedient to legislate”.  Both of these measures are an attempt to prohibit the mere possession of a firearm in a school.  Fortunately, New Hampshire has not had a tragedy in any of our schools.  Someone who is contemplating a horrific crime has no way of knowing whether or not his intended victims will be able to offer armed resistance if you enact either HB 101 or HB 564 murderers will be assured that their intended victims will not be able to offer armed resistance.  Please do not make our children potential victims.  Vote HB 101 and HB 564 “inexpedient to legislate”.

Thanks for your consideration.

Click here for the roster of all members of the House Education Committee.
Pre-written message to:

Dear Representatives,

The public hearings on February 13 revealed how naive the supporters of HB 109 and HB 514 really are. Consider that HB 109 would have failed to prevent recent tragedies Newtown (stolen gun), Aurora (passed background check), Tucson (passed background check), and South Carolina, a failure by the FBI.  HB 109 will serve to criminalize perfectly legal transactions between friends, family and fellow club members.  Including loans of guns for hunting, training or any other currently lawful purpose will make criminals out of ordinary law abiding people.  There is no obvious problem that HB 109 will solve because there is virtually no firearms crime in New Hampshire.

HB 514 is another solution in search of a problem.  As you may know, HB 514 imposes an up to 11 day waiting period between the sale and delivery of a firearm or ammunition.  There is virtually no firearms crime in New Hampshire but there will be when New Hampshire citizens inadvertently violate the provisions of HB 514.  HB 514 will end spur of the moment hunting or target shooting trips.  It will also end firearms training in New Hampshire because instructors will no longer be able to supply ammunition for students to use during a course unless the course is scheduled to occur 11 days after the ammunition is supplied.  It will also prevent prospective firearms owners from renting a firearm and buying ammunition from the rental range to use on those premises unless…. the transaction takes place 11 days later.

Please vote HB 109 and HB 514 “inexpedient to legislate”.

Thanks for your consideration.

Click here for the roster of all members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

In this alert, we told you about HB 696, gun confiscation.  Sadly, the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committed voted this bipartisan anti-gun bill “ought to pass” with an amendment on February 13.

When Senator Martha Hennessey and Representative Renny Cushing are involved, there is never a doubt that gun owners civil rights are in danger.  However, in the case of HB 696, their gun confiscation efforts are being helped along by Republican Senator Sharon Carson and Republican Representatives Ned Gordon, William Marsh and Charles McMahon.  The Republican party keeps trying to convince us that they are our best friends — but with friends like these four… well I think you understand.  This is a bipartisan assault on the Second Amendment. 

HB 696 is scheduled to be considered by the entire House of Representatives on February 27.  Now is the time to start contacting your State Representatives and letting them know you are opposed to HB 696.  Click here for a roster of all State Representatives.

Pre-written message to all State Representatives:

HB 696, is a long complex bill that is attempting to create a new standard in New Hampshire that will allow third parties to petition the courts, in ex-parte hearings to take away a person’s Second, Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment rights without due process. Sure, the “respondent” can request a hearing — after the fact and spend thousands of dollars on attorneys and experts. But that is after property has been confiscated and rights have been violated. Ex-parte hearings should never be allowed. The accused should always be part of any hearing conducted. Please vote against an “ought to pass” motion and instead vote HB 696 “inexpedient to legislate”.

Thank you.

As always, if any State Representative(s) write back, please send me a copy:

Please save the date: Tuesday, March 5, 2019, at 10AM, the New Hampshire House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will hold a public hearing on HB 687, the other gun confiscation bill.  Plan to attend to let the committee know you are opposed to so called,  “red flag” gun confiscation.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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