Report from Concord…

by NHFC, Inc. on March 26, 2018

I am sending you a short note to let you know what happened in Concord this week.

First, I am happy to report that the House of Representatives amended the 2018 Range Closure Act, HB 1463 to clarify that HB 1463 could not be used to close shooting ranges. But then, the House voted to defeat the bill anyway.  Your range is safe for now.  The Senate voted NOT to include the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense ban as an amendment to SB 357.  It is clear to me that your calls and emails made a huge difference in stopping two anti-gun bills from advancing this week. 

The really good news is that the House voted to pass HB 1313 which will extend Constitutional Carry to Snowmobiles and ATVs.  HB 1313 was sponsored by pro-gun champion,  State Representative John Burt.  HB 1313 will now move to the Senate and we will let you know what action you need to take as soon as a public hearing is scheduled.

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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