Patch, just another bureaucrat who is full of hot air…

by NHFC, Inc. on May 29, 2017

We have received several calls and emails asking why we are so vigorously opposing anti-gun David Patch for another 5 year term on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.  Many folks are rightfully confused because Mr. Patch owns a gun store and talks about firearms.  However, that’s all it is, double talk from a political charlatan.  To be sure, I have seen many gun dealers who sell guns, that are opposed to the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition’s view that no infringements on your rights are acceptable.  However, since we have heard from a few folks, I’ll try to answer all the questions in one email.

First, pursuant to R.S.A. 206:4, the only legislation that the Fish and Game Commission may weigh in on is: “…proposed legislation that affects fish, wildlife, and marine resources and the overall management of the fish and game department.” ( R.S.A. 206:4, V)

Sadly, since David Patch joined the Fish and Game Commission, they have not only become an anti-gun activist organization within state government by opposing the decrimilazation of carrying loaded rifles and shotguns in cars and opposing Constitutional Carry,  but they have also weighed in on a myriad of issues that are in no way related to: “…proposed legislation that affects fish, wildlife, and marine resources and the overall management of the fish and game department.”

The Fish and Game Commission has weighed in on things, like opposition to a bill that would have prohibited state and local law enforcement from assisting Federal law enforcement in the collection of data without a warrant.  Involving the commission in bills that would determine what types of license plates may be placed on certain commercial vehicles, opposing a bill that would prohibit state and local law enforcement from enforcing federal anti-gun laws, maintaining railroad crossings, reducing OHRV registration fees for members of clubs (making non-club members pay extra), opposing literally dozens of bills which were intended to increase the accountability of law enforcement, the use of drones and much more.  The list of non fish and game bills supported or opposed since anti-gun David Patch joined the Fish and Game Commission is endless and grows every year.

Typically, the positions on most legislation is determined at the January meeting of the Fish and Game Commission.  Click here to find all the minutes from the past few years. 

My Statehouse sources told me that it is highly likely that proven, anti-gun, Executive Councilor Chris Pappas will vote to confirm David Patch.  How anti-gun is Chris Pappas?  Well he once said:
“Hillary Clinton speaks strongly and clearly and has a tremendous grasp on the issues.”

And when the Manchester Republican party held a machinegun shoot fundraiser, Chris Pappas said:
“The citizens of Manchester have lived through a deadly spike in violent crime the past year-and-a-half, despite the campaign promises of (Mayor) Frank Guinta to lower crime rates,” Pappas said. “That the mayor’s political party would seek to glorify the use of machine guns for political gain is unconscionable.”

Action Item:  Even if you have already done so, please click here to find out how to contact your Executive Councilor.  Urge him to defeat the Patch nomination.  Then contact Governor Sununu and urge him to withdraw the Patch nomination.  Click here for contact information for the Governor.

Remember, the only way that anti-gun Commissioner David Patch gets reconfirmed is if the likes of anti-gun, Hillary Clinton supporter, Chris Pappas votes to confirm him to another 5 year term on the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission.

Please call all five counselors and ask them to oppose Patch given his 5 year anti-gun record.  Opposing bills like the Firearms Freedom Act has nothing to do with the F&G and is a clear violation of his job as a commissioner as well as a clear sign that he is willing to trample the gun owners in his quest for a title.

Thanks for your continued support.

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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