Our rights are at risk of extinction… help needed…

by NHFC, Inc. on November 19, 2018

We are post election by about 12 days; the House ballot recounts have been completed and Legislative Service Requests (LSRs) are starting to appear.

I want you to know that yes, there is a true anti-gun majority in control of the General Court.

We expect extreme anti-gun legislation to be introduced, specifically, “red flag” gun confiscation, waiting periods before you may buy a gun, gun free (criminal safe) no carry zones,  and probably even an attempt to repeal pre-emption to allow local gun bans.  We expect to see pretty much every other anti-gun wish that was defeated over the past few years as well as some old, discredited ideas like firearms and magazine bans to be resurrected such as gun and magazine bans.  And lets not forget that repealing Constitutional Carry is at the top of the list of the new gun ban extremists who now control the Statehouse.

We all know that far left Democrat leaders are absolutely intent on banning all guns; but, you might recall, it was Republicans who worked to defeat the carrying of loaded rifles in cars, enhanced firearms preemption and snowmobile and ATV carry.  Their treasonous actions helped fuel a miserable showing at the polls in their districts because many pro-gun voters were simply not motivated.

If Governor Sununu makes the mistake of supporting gun control, 2020 could lead to total control of the statehouse by gun banning extremists.  We need to keep the heat on the Governor to make sure he vetos any anti-gun bills that might reach his desk.  And after he stacked the School Safety Preparedness Taskforce with anti-gun activists, we truly have a lot to worry about.

Understand this: we can win, but only with your support.

I have often head gun owners say, “they will need to pry my guns from my cold dead hands…” or similar strongly worded statements.  The reality is that your guns and magazines will be banned by legislative action. If this happens, you will not be able to take your now “illegal guns” to the range.  And if you ever call for an ambulance or have a home fire, the police usually respond first, and if they see even a single prohibited gun or magazine, they will come back with a search warrant to look for and seize the rest. Don’t believe me? Look at New Jersey and California (1990), New York (1994 and 2013-present), Connecticut (2013-present) and Maryland (2013). And once those gun bans are on the books, no one, regardless of party will have the backbone to repeal them.  Look what happened when control of the US Congress changed in the 1994 elections… not a single piece of gun control was repealed.  To the contrary, more gun control was enacted in 1996 in the form of the Lautenberg Misdemeanor Gun Ban.  To protect freedom, we must stop gun control from being enacted in the first place.

Here is what you can do… I need a group of people are who are willing to get involved.  Can you be one of them?  While not everyone can take the time to be a State Representative and give up three days every week from January thru June but many of us can take the time to be at the State House as needed to opposing anti-gun bills.

Will you commit to use one, two, or maybe even up to five days of vacation time, to attend public hearings and help NHFC to oppose the extreme gun ban agenda?  Are you willing to help operate our video and still cameras (to create a record of the proceedings)?  Will you commit to get at least ten friends to go to our webpage and sign up for our legislative alerts?  I need every law abiding firearms owner in New Hampshire to sign up and help us to build a legislative army to stop the impending assault on our rights.

While it is easy to say things, the real commitment comes from an overwhelming show of strength at legislative hearings.

NHFC will send alerts as soon as we become aware of public hearings on bills.  As we have done in the past we will explain what the bill does, why it is bad and what is needed to stop it.  Can I count on you?

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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