Opponents doubling down, more calls needed, gun ban still alive…

by NHFC, Inc. on March 8, 2018

You may recall that last week I wrote to you about Senator Martha Hennessey’s Gun and Self Defense BanThis is an all out emergency.  I need you to contact the Senate Education Committee, as well as your own State Senators AND attend the Tuesday, March 13 public hearing before the Senate Education Committee which will begin at 10 AM in Representatives Hall.   I heard that far left activists will be at the State House on March 13 so we need a strong showing of concerned gun owners.  You do not need to speak, you just can sign in as being opposed to the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban.  Even if you plan to attend, please send the below email to your Senator.

Here is what I need you to do right now, first click here to sign our Petition to Stop the 2018 Gun & Self Defense BanThen, please ask your friends and family to sign our petition as well.  We will print and deliver your petitions to the Senate Education Committee, The Senate President, Speaker of the House and Governor Sununu.  After you sign the petition, please write to the Education Committee as well as your own State Senator using the below prewritten message:


Chairman Senator John Reagan, 603-271-4063  email johnreagan111@gmail.com
Vice Chairman Senator Bob Guida, 603-271-3074 email bob.giuda@leg.state.nh.us
Senator Ruth Ward 603-271-6733 email Ruth.Ward@leg.state.nh.us
Senator David Watters 603-271-8631  email: david.watters@leg.state.nh.us
Senator Jay Kahn 603-271-8631 email: Jay.Kahn@leg.state.nh.us

Click here to find out who your own Senators are and how to contact them.

Please send use this prewritten message to let your Senators know we want the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban defeated!

Dear Senators,

Please vote NO on Senator Hennessey’s amendment allowing local school boards to ban guns.  This amendment appears to have been offered in response to the murders in Florida.  Those murders were a direct result of Florida’s self defense gun ban and law enforcement’s failure to act; the murders were also a result of cowardice by some Deputy Sheriff’s.  We do not have a problem in New Hampshire schools precisely because we allow law abiding adults to carry guns. A would be murderer does not know if his intended victims are armed and able to fight back.  That is a powerful deterrent.  Please do not act on emotion, but rather on facts, and the facts are that guns, in the hands of law abiding people, save lives.  Furthermore, every violent criminal shooting has occurred in places where guns are banned.  Don’t let the criminals win, please vote NO on the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban!

Thank you,

Remember to sign our Petition to Stop the 2018 Gun & Self Defense Ban, we will deliver them to the State House.

When I wrote to you about HB 1463, the 2018 Range Closure Act, the bill was expected to be voted on on Wednesday, March 7.  The House did not get to that part of the calendar which means it will be voted on next week.  That gives us a week to turn up the heat on all State Representatives.  Click here to read our original alert which includes information about how to contact State Representatives and send a prewritten email message.

Several NHFC members have told me that State Representatives are telling them that HB 1463 will not affect ranges because we have a range protection law.  The opinion of our legal counsel is that HB 1463 will allow towns to close ranges because unlike current law, HB 1463 allows a town to set a maximum decibel limit.  He also told me that when two laws conflict, the more recent enactment will likely govern, in this case, HB 1463 would be 14 years newer than our 2004 range protection law.  Ranges would be forced to litigate to stay open.  Do we really want to take a chance on how a Superior Court Judge might rule?  To do that is to risk the future of every shooting range in New Hampshire.  Lets work to defeat HB 1463To completely protect ranges we must defeat HB 1463.

A final point, it is us the advocates for firearms ownership and use who get to decide what is and what is not anti-gun; not politicians who, in most cases are thinking about the next election and are not truly 100% committed to the right to keep and bear arms.

Thanks for your support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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