NYC Lobbyists spending big money to stop Constitutional Carry

by NHFC, Inc. on February 5, 2017

We are close, but not quite there yet, Constitutional Carry still needs your help to become the law in New Hampshire.

It is vitally important that you to do three things for me so that together, we can get SB 12 enacted into law:

1) Please contact your State Representatives and urge them to support SB 12 without any amendments or changes.  Click here for contact information for all New Hampshire State Representatives.  Tell your Representatives that you will rely upon the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition to keep you informed of their voting record.

2) Please try to attend the Thursday, February 9, 10 AM session of the House of Representatives to show your support for SB 12.

3) Click here for contact information for Governor Chris Sununu.  Please contact the Governor and let him know that you support SB 12, Constitutional Carry.  This is very important, our enemies are attempting to flood his office with calls and he needs to hear from firearms owners.

A gun ban organization that calls itself, “Everytown for Gun Safety” has run a newspaper ad calling for the defeat of SB 12.  These out of state gun ban activists spent at least $5300 (maybe more) on a full page ad in the Sunday News designed and intended to take away your rights. I need your help to defeat these out of state gun ban elites.

I prefer to call them “Everytown for Gun Bans” because they have supported virtually every anti-gun bill introduced in every state in at least the past 2 years.  Here’s what you need to know about Everytown:

They are based in New York City, home to some of the most repressive, anti-gun laws in America.  For instance, a resident must have a government license just to purchase and keep a firearm in their home.  We are credibly informed that these licenses cost close to $1000 and must be renewed every few years.  Virtually all modern semi-automatic firearms are prohibited and concealed carry licenses are impossible to obtain for all but the super wealthy.

According to the New Hampshire Secretary of State, Everytown for Gun Safety has four New York City based lobbyists and three in state lobbyists, all working overtime to kill SB 12, Constitutional Carry and to try to pass the Voting Gun Ban, HB 350 and Sell a gun to a friend, GO TO JAIL, HB 201.

These New Yorkers have not learned from the failed experiment of gun bans in New York City and they are trying export them to New Hampshire.  New York City has more in common with Communist China or the former Soviet Union than America.  Don’t let them destroy New Hampshire.

PO BOX 4184
NEW YORK, NY 10163

72 N MAIN ST STE 301

Click here to see the New Hampshire Secretary of State’s list of registered lobbyists.  Do you do business with any of the other clients of these gun ban lobbyists?  Call them and complain that their lobbyist is working to destroy New Hampshire and make it like New York City.  Next time the New Hampshire Police Association or the NH Troopers Association ask you for a donation tell them you cannot donate since they retained DEMERS BLAISDELL & PRASOL as lobbyists.  If you receive a mailing from the Alzheimers Association asking for a donation you should use their postage paid envelope to write them a note telling them you cannot donate because they employ DEMERS BLAISDELL & PRASOL.  Tell them no matter how good their work is, you do not want your donation used to push for gun bans.

If we fail to fight back these gun ban elites will make New Hampshire just like New York.  Complete with gun and magazine bans, waiting periods and an almost complete ban on concealed carry.

I am confident, that even though these high priced, out of town gun ban lobbyists are working overtime to destroy New Hampshire, that you, the Grassroots Gun Owners outnumber them and will fight back; HARD!

Click here for contact information for all New Hampshire State Representatives.  Tell your State Representatives that you want them to pass SB 12 without any amendments or changes.

Then, click here to send an email to all members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee urging them to vote HB 350, the voting gun ban, Inexpedient to Legislate, (ITL). HB 350 was heard by the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee on January 24, 2017.  An Executive Session has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 7.

Please do not delay, these State Representatives need to hear from you NOW!

Thanks for your support.

Alan M. Rice
Vice President & Training Director – NHFC

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