NH Senators killing pro gun reforms…

by NHFC, Inc. on April 26, 2018

I want to let you know what happened in Concord this week.  On a bipartisan 5-0 vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee decided to send HB 1313, the snowmobile / ATV Constitutional Carry bill to interim study.  This bill is a simple bill that just repeals the 2 statutes that prohibit carry on a ATV or snowmobile. No Senator, who claims to support Second Amendment civil rights should oppose HB 1313.

Some folks want you to believe that Republicans, without exception, are the best friends that gun owners have.  But this latest push to stop people from carrying guns on snowmobiles and ATVs is only the most recent anti-gun move by the Republican Majority!  

The reality is that in the second year of a legislative session, interim study is a polite way of saying that the bill is dead for the year.  It won’t ever be studied.

What is even more perplexing is that Senator Harold French is a co-sponsor of HB 1313 but as a member as of the Senate Judiciary Committee, he voted for interim study.  In essence, Senator French voted to kill his own bill and he needs to hear from you: (603) 848-8588.  Please call him and ask him to support his own bill!

I also need you to contact your own Senators and polity urge them to vote to overturn the committee recommendation of interim study on the floor of the Senate and then vote to pass HB 1313.  Please click here to read our last alert on HB 1313 which explains what the bill does and why it is so vitally important to enact into law.  Click here for district and contact information for all New Hampshire State Senators.

This important bill may come up as early as next week. Please do not wait, call or email today!

In previous alerts, I told you about why the Republican party is no friend of gun owners and how the Republican Senate Majority Leader, Jeb Bradley is pushing for gun confiscation orders. And now, we learned that a Republican party staff member, Joe Sweeney is claiming that his party supports the Second Amendment.  That’s true for some, but not all Republicans. Sure certain pro-gun leaders like Senator Gary Daniels, Senator Bob Guida and Senator Andy Sanborn, along with Representative John Burt and Representative Laurie Sanborn are all members of the Republican Party.  But other Republicans should probably be thrown out of the party for gross violations of the party platform.   Since Mr. Sweeney works for the party, he will likely support the election of anyone who self identifies as a Republican, even those like Senator Carson, (Judiciary Committee Chair), Senator French, Senator “I want gun confiscation” Jeb Bradley.  This should certainly clear up any misconceptions about where the Republicans, as a party, stand on your right to keep and bear arms. We think that you, the law abiding gun owners need this information.

Lastly, I find it interesting that Sen. Avard was willing to co-sponsor and then introduce this bill at the public hearing, but when it came to do the real work of actually getting this passed, he seemed to be quiet. Any true gun advocate would be up there fighting to protect our rights and would never let a important bill end up interim studied.

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

P.S.: Our national partners at Gun Owners of America sent out an alert on gun confiscation orders in New Hampshire.  Click here to read this important alert and take action!

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