NH Reps Are Coming for Your Firearms

by Kirk Beswick on December 31, 2022

By itself, it would be bad enough that Biden’s regime has eroded gun rights across America through 21 unconstitutional executive actions and the passage of the Safer Communities Act.

By itself, it would be bad enough that the ATF has revised the 4733 form to identify “privately made firearms”, along with 8 more significant changes.

By itself, it would be bad enough that the ATF has fought to strip Americans of the right to self-protection through the unconstitutional regulation of stabilizer braces, 80% lowers, and competition triggers.

Now in addition to all that dreadful national news, our newly elected legislators in the New Hampshire House of Representatives are already pushing for gun-confiscation legislation…even though NH is rated 2nd safest state in the union when it comes to crime!

This year, both a Republican version and a Democrat version of the ‘Red Flag Gun Confiscation’ bills have been filed.  See below for the version with the most sponsors.

2023-0042HBTitle:relative to extreme risk protection orders.
 Sponsors: (Prime) Amy Bradley , Lou D’Allesandro, David Watters, Peter Schmidt, Richard Ames, Michael Abbott, Sue Newman, Donovan Fenton, Debra Altschiller

The Republican version of that bill, LSR 23-0163, was withdrawn the day after the prime sponsor Rep. Debra DeSimone made it public.  We highlighted the issues with this bill on our facebook page the same night it was posted, as well as on various online gun forums and notified a number of internal gun friendly House Reps. Very quickly the Republican version of this unconstitutional bill was scuttled. 

The good news is the Republican version is dead for this year, but we still need your help stopping the Democrat sponsored version.

Sadly, the misinformed and the rabid anti-gun left continue their all out assault on gun owners leaving their own citizens defenseless and unable to protect themselves and their loved ones. It seems that nothing will stop them in their quest to disarm America.

Don’t be fooled.

Red flag bills as they are called, are un-constitutional. The bill that was filed in NH like all red flag bills, uses ex parte hearings which deliberately eliminate the accused right to due process.


  • The accused may never know who requested the extreme risk protective order
  • The accused loses ALL their firearms and are subject to a full search of their property.
  • Penalties can be assessed from a misdemeanor to class B felony for any perceived non-compliance
  • The accused is responsible to paying “storage and handling” fees for the removal of their firearms
  • Their firearms could be ‘stored’ in such a way as to allow them to rust and be destroyed while you are paying this storage fee
  • The extreme risk order can be continually extended, meaning the accused can lose their gun rights for ever
  • The accused is immediately entered into the NICS system as a prohibited person

While New Hampshire Firearms Coalition continues to fight against these infringements, we need your help.

Call your rep and let them know you won’t stand for another unconstitutional anti-gun bill!

Find your rep by clicking this link:

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Join NHFC here:

Stay vigilant and never compromise on your gun rights!

Call. Write. Attend.

Become an activist for the 2nd Amendment

No Compromise

In freedom,

Kirk Beswick
President – NHFC, Inc.

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