NH House in session, rights at risk…

by NHFC, Inc. on December 30, 2018

Milton Friedman once wrote:

“The greatest threat to freedom is the concentration of power.”

and Gideon J. Tucker once said:

“No man’s life, liberty or property are safe while the Legislature is in session.”

Well, this week the New Hampshire General Court will begin the 2019-2020 session and it looks like their first order of business is to blatantly violate the Constitutions that they took an oath to uphold by passing rules and legislation that will strip you of your Constitutional rights.  I guess those guys were correct in their quotes.

Wednesday morning, January 2, at 10:00am The New Hampshire House will convene to begin the session and, according the House calendar, they intend to vote on the following: Amend House Rule 63 to read as follows:

“63. Deadly weapons; electronic devices; cameras. No person, including members of the House, except law enforcement officers while actively engaged in carrying out their duties as such, shall carry or have in possession any deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11, V while in the House Chamber, anterooms, cloakrooms, or House gallery. Any person in violation of this rule shall be subject to ejection from any such premises on the order of the Speaker and disciplinary action or arrest or both by action of the House. Nothing in this rule shall indicate that the security officer appointed by the House under Rule 61 has the right to stop and search a member of the House on the premises of the House. With the exception of devices for the hearing impaired, no member shall operate audible electronic transmitting and/or receiving devices nor shall any member operate a video camera or a camera utilizing flash bulbs on the floor of the House, while the House is in session.”

This will impact every citizen that shows up to watch a house session, this will also impact every hearing that is held in Reps Hall, and for the record, most hearings on Gun related legislation are held in Reps hall. This will also pave the way for a state house complex gun ban, something the new anti-gun majority tried the last time they were in control of the House. In 2008, they attempted to pass HB1354 but the bill was soundly defeated, so they went through a back door and banned guns via a vote from a House Committee.

Here is what I need you to do.

1.    Contact your State Representative and ask them to oppose rule 63.  Click here for contact information for all State Representatives.

2.    Take time off of work on Wednesday morning and show up to the state house and join us in the Gallery to watch what is going on.  We will meet at 9am on the third floor to make sure that we have seats in the gallery to keep an eye on what shenanigans are going on by our elected officials.  I suggest that you show up between 8 and 8:30am as this is the time to meet the members on the way into the state house.  It is also easier to find packing earlier in the morning.

3.    Forward this alert to your gun owning friends and family members and ask them to do the same. Remember to be polite but firm when speaking with State Representatives. It is critical that we do not let this rule take effect without a strong response.  Unless there is a strong, pro-gun response, our enemies will be emboldened to work harder to pass even more restrictive laws. Lastly, just to show how much they want to go after our gun rights, the FIRST bill of the session, HB101, is a bill to allow local school boards to strip you of your right to carry, regardless of if it is their property or not.  This is a replay of the Hennessey Gun and Self Defense Ban from last February.

As always, thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,
J.R. Hoell
Corporate Secretary – NHFC, Inc.

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