NH GOP Funding Anti-Gun Activist…

by NHFC, Inc. on July 19, 2018

Here we go again.  We previously told you about how the New Hampshire Republican Party is lying when they claim to be the only defenders of your civil right to keep and bear arms.  I thought that pointing out the Republicans hypocrisy might even persuade them to change their ways.  Sadly, the anti-gun leadership at the New Hampshire Republican Party is digging in and committing to the anti-gun position.

Let me explain.  The Republican Party has scheduled a candidate training session at the Common Man Inn located in Plymouth.  The Common Man is owned by long time liberal anti-gun activist Alex Ray.  Mr. Ray has financially supported such anti-gun idealogues as: Rep. Ann McLane-Kuster, Sen. Lou D’Allesandro, Sen. Jeff Woodburn, Former Executive Councilor Colin Van Ostern and US Senator Jeanne Shaheen and last but not least, Former Governor and current US Senator Maggie “I Vetoed Constitutional Carry” Hassan.  He even funded anti-gun Senator Jeb Bradley who is pushing for gun confiscation in New Hampshire.

But that’s not all, Mr. Ray is also listed among the New Hampshire supporters of anti-gun activists Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly.

It is pretty clear to me that Alex Ray is not our friend.  He is an extreme anti-gun idealogue.  But the Republican Party, while they are pretending to support and defend the Second Amendment is financially supporting a gun ban extremist.  We made a screen shot of some of his donations that you can click here to view.  Or just go to followthemoney.org or opensecrets.org and search for Alex Ray, New Hampshire to see them all.

Instead of donating to the Republican Party, support a Second Amendment Civil rights organization, and send a copy of the check to the Republican Party and let them know what they could have received if not for their anti-gun activism.

Out of all the restaurants and meeting halls in New Hampshire, the Republican State Committee selected the one that is owned and operated by an anti-gun idealogue.  Wow!

Now that Wayne MacDonald has taken over as Republican State Chairman this is starting to make sense.  You see, Mr. MacDonald was the Chair of anti-gun New Jersey Governor Chris Christies failed presidential campaign.

Here is what I need you to do right away, contact the Republican State Committee to express your outrage about their use of an anti-gun extremists restaurant for their candidate training session.  You can reach the state party at (603) 225-9341.  Please also let them know that as a firearms owner you will not be taken for granted and will not blindly support Republicans unless Republicans unconditionally support your civil right to be armed.  These partisans need to be constantly reminded that every year, third party candidates run for office in New Hampshire, most of these candidates support your civil right to be armed; we do have choices.

Since Jeanie Forrester resigned as Chair, I only have direct contact information for one party official.  Ray Chadwick is a Vice Chairman of the Republican Party; I recently had a conversation with Mr. Chadwick.  I tried to tell him that we wold love to work with the Republican Party to protect our right to keep and bear arms; but only if they change their anti-gun habits.  Right now it looks like they’re digging in but maybe you can convince him. You can call him at (603) 566-9129 or email him at rfchadwick@juno.com.  Please also send an email to the State Committee and express your outrage.

Thanks for your continued support!

In liberty,

Alan M. Rice
President – NHFC, Inc.

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