New gun ban attempt…. important update from Concord…

by NHFC, Inc. on January 24, 2017

The news out of Concord is mixed.  First, the great news:

The Senate passed Constitutional Carry legislation, SB 12 and Governor Sununu issued a press release praising this action.  We will let you know when we need you to start contacting Representatives.

Now some good news:

We are also working hard to pass HB 84 which will allow you to carry a loaded rifle in a car, motorhome or any other vehicle.  This needed legislation is being considered by the House Fish and Game Committee.  Click here for information on what action to take.

But now some bad news:

The House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee is considering HB 201 a ban on the private sale, gift or loan of all firearms.  Alan and JR attended this hearing and spoke against the bill.  We still need calls and emails to the Criminal Justice Committee to stop HB 201.

And now the really bad news:

But most importantly, and why I am writing today, is to let you know about HB 350, the 2017 Voter Suppression Act.  HB 350 is a ban on carrying firearms while voting and is sponsored by Rep. Wayne Burton, D-Strafford 6. HB 350 creates a new, possesory only, firearms offense and classifies it as a Class B Felony.

That’s right, if you exercise your Second Amendment rights and your First Amendment rights at the same time, you can be sent to prison for 7 years!

This bill is so extreme that you could not even leave a firearm in your car while you are voting because it bans people from having a firearm… “within any of the person’s possessions owned or within the person’s control”.   The practical application of this means that you would not be able to vote as part of your daily trip to or from work on election day.  You will be forced to give up your right to self defense on election day or make a special trip to vote.

Rep. Burton wants to make polling places safe for criminals, terrorists and other miscreants by disarming the law abiding.  Even election workers will be denied the right to armed self defense.

We have not been able to find even a single, DOCUMENTED case of firearms owners causing any problems or committing any crimes while voting.  This is the sort of infringement on your rights that we normally see in Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey. Not New Hampshire.

The gun ban elites want to stop you from carrying your self defense tools.  Here’s what you can do to help:

Click here to email all members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.  Politely insist that you have a right, under both the New Hampshire and US Constitutions to carry a firearm anytime, anywhere, but especially so when exercising your First Amendment right to vote.  Tell the Committee that you expect them to vote HB 350 inexpedient to legislate; the bill cannot be fixed, the idea is as repugnant as a poll tax and no amendments will be acceptable.

The public hearing on HB 350 will take place on Tuesday, January 24, at 10 AM in Room 204 of the Legislative Office Building.  If you are able to, please attend the public hearing.  You do not have to speak if you choose not to.  You can sign in on the blue form and record your opposition to HB 350.  But whether or not you attend the hearing, please, email all members of the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and let them know that you are strongly opposed to Rep. Burton’s attempt to take away your civil right to be armed.

Thanks for your support.

In Liberty,

Scott A. Krauss
President – NHFC

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